Chapter 7- First day of Junior Year

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Hi my kawaii readers~!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter~~~ From now on it will be Akako's P.O.V

Copyright © 2016 by Alana Ayala

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No parts of this book it any of its contents may be reproduced or transmitted without the prior written consent of the author. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slowly get up to hear my alarm. 'Ugh . . . that thing is so damn loud.' I sigh and get up out of my bed, even though it is a pain, and walk out of my room to the kitchen.

Today is my first day of becoming a Junior. I'm not nervous, I am actually really calm. But in my own way I am sad. Because it is going to be like last year and the year before, being with no friends in my freshmen and sophomore year. Then I stop and think about it for a while. All I really need is Sakiko as my friend. She was the only one that actually matters in my dark pit of life. She is always there for me, even in my darkest hour. I have known her since pre-k. She was my neighbor for the longest time, well that's until my parents died from a Shinigami. I was only eight and I already poured my heart on to Sakiko. She is my light in my dark and my hope in fate.

I begin to get my uniform on that the school sent me. I already sent my class schedule to all my three jobs and I have all my time schedules and everything.

I hear a low and small purr below me. I look down to see my little neko, Kit Kat. He is a gray cat with dark gray and black strips.

"Are you hungry Kit?" He lets out a baby meow. I give him food and begin making mine. I am all ready, I get my bag and my folder and leave my apartment building, looking back up at the window I see Kit Kat by the window.

Even though Kit Kat is a cat, he is my Doll for my Bount form. My Bount's Doll is a wolf but the cat is really just a cover up so he won't be caught by Soul Society. I begin to walk towards Sakiko's house. We only lived three blocks away from each other. As I'm walking, I hear foot steps behind me. I'm always on guard if anything happens to me. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I move my elbow backwards to hit someone in the face. I turn around to see an orange haired boy. I see blood coming out from his nose. I look at his uniform to see that he also goes to my school.

'Aw crap. . . I punched a school student. . .'

"What the hell?!" he yells at me. I try to act like a little innocent girl.

"I am so sorry." I say with worry. I help him up.

"You sure know how to elbow someone in the face." He laughs. I fake laugh with him.

"So what's your name? I didn't see you last year." He asks. Well that hurt, knowing that he didn't see me last year. I was in his homeroom and 3 other classes!

"My name is Akako Yobanashi." I murmur my name.

"Oh I am-"

I cut him off. "Ichigo Kurosaki." I finish for him.

"So you know who I am?" He asks me.

"Yes, I was in your homeroom and 3 other classes." I say simply.

"I feel bad now . . ." He brings his hand around his neck and scratches it.

"Hey its okay, I am used to it." And with that, I walk off to Sakiko's house. Yes, I did know him. I did my research on him and all his friends. Who do you think I am? I have to watch the Shinigami and make sure they don't find out about me. I reach Sakiko's house. I see her outside by her door. Sakiko lives with her mother, father and her little brother.

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