Chapter 1

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Authors Note: This is set in London so there will be mentions of places and they have a British accent. I hope you all enjoy! 

I dreaded English Lit for one specific reason or should I say one specific person. Dustin Howell. When he is at school (which is not often) he makes sure to ruin my entire day. The sexual jokes and him consistently calling me names while his friends laugh their asses off makes my life a living hell. Everyday he tries to push it too far and I was finally gonna go off on him today.

I was minding my own business studying as usual when he had to open his mouth.

"Hey sweetheart how about you go under this table and show me what those pretty lips can do and later we can go back to my place and ill show you want I can do ." He leaned in and whispered. 

I usually ignore him but I was trying to study for a test next time and his cocky attitude was pissing me off. 

"Fuck you" I said turning around to face him.

"Oh baby I thought you'd never ask!" He smirked and his friends chuckled beside him.

"Grow up Dustin" I said rolling my eyes.

"Awe whats wrong darling? Got your knickers in a twist? Want me to fix that for you?" He said with a wink and his friends laughed louder.

"God Howell you think you're the shit? You are worthless and nobody would miss you if you left. Why do you even come to school? Go home to your crackhead mother!" I said a little too loud and turned back around. I felt kinda bad for saying but he deserved it.

The bell rang and I left as fast as I could to my next class. I didn't see Dustin for the rest of the day and I left to go home. Dustin was leaning up against my car smoking a cigarette.

"Those things will kill you" I said walking towards my car. He just smirked and threw the cigarette on the ground putting it out with his shoe.  

I walked to the drivers side of my car and he grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me" I said trying to pull him off.

"Not until I get an apology sweetheart" He said. 

"For what Howell? You were the one being an asshole to me. I wouldn't have said those things if you would just leave me alone! I said and he let go of my arm and I got in the car. I slammed the door in his face. I was driving over the speed limit and just wanted to get home to my flat where it was just me and my mom. Well mostly just my me since my mom worked night-shift and I was usually home alone. 

I knew what I said to Dustin was uncalled for but I wasn't gonna apologize to him after he has put me through 3 years of secondary school. Thank God I only had a month till school was out and I went to Uni then I wouldn't have to see him ever again.

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