Chapter 2

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Trigger warning for attempted rape (not from Dustin)

When I got back to my flat, I just wanted to get Dustin off my mind. I went to my room and laid on my bed and them my phone started to ring. I groaned and answered it. My friend Stacy called me and asked me if I wanted to go to this party tonight with her.

I'm not usually a party girl. I usual stay at home Friday night and keep to myself most the time but I said yes hoping tonight I would get Dustin off my mind. I went to my closet and picked out this dark purple skater skirt dress and a leather jacket. I didn't even know I owned this but what the hell. I put on some light make up and made myself look decent for once. My light brown hair went great with this dress and I felt sexy

Stacy picked me up and we arrived at the party. She left to get us some drinks and I was left alone. I looked around the room and to see people dancing and grinding on each other. Most people drinking and some smoking either blunt or cigarettes. I know I sound lame but I felt like i didn't belong. Maybe a few drinks would help me loosen up. I went to walk in the kitchen to see if I could find Stacy and bumped into a tall guy.

Howell. Of fucking course.

"Well fancy meeting you here sweetheart. I thought parties weren't your thing." He said.

"Fuck off Dustin" I tried walking past him but he stopped in front of me.

"Whoa there love, where do you think you're going? You still owe me an apology for this morning."

"I don't owe you shit, just let me by"

"Come on sweetheart, its a party live a little!" He said pulling out a cigarette. He tried handing me one and I swatted it out of his hand.

"You're crazy if you think I'm that stupid to take drugs from you"

"God sweetheart is a cigarette not cocaine" He laughed."But I know a few people who can hook you up if you decide you want to stop being a stuck up prude."

That's it. I pushed him out of the way  and left out the house. My flat was only a couple of blocks away and I knew a couple of shortcuts. I didn't see Dustin follow me and I texted Stacy telling her I was headed home. I cut through an alleyway and I could seen my flat around the corner. I was walking while hugging my jacket close to me when I heard a noise. I turned around and didn't see anything. Must have been a rat.

I walked faster then suddenly I was pushed up against the wall and a large hand was covering my mouth. I looked up and saw a huge man who looked around in his thirties with a creepy grin across his face.

"Don't you know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking alone at night." His breath smelled like liquor. I tried to squirm away from him but he had me pinned against the wall.

He rubbed his fingers up and down my thighs. I tried to scream but couldn't, his large hand was smothering me.

He tried to pull up my dress when suddenly he was pulled off of me. I dropped to the ground trying to catch my breath and I started crying and hyperventilating. I saw a tall guy punch the pervert before I fainted.


I woke up in a an unfamiliar room that smelled like cigarettes and alcohol. I looked over to see Dustin on his phone. He looked at me and smiled.

"Good-morning sleeping beauty." He said.

"What happened? What am I doing in here Dustin?"

"Well after I beat the shit out of that rapist, I brought you here after you fainted. I didn't know where you lived and it started raining so I just let you sleep here."

All the memories from last night returned. Dustin and me fighting, me leaving, and that...that man.

"Where am I?"

"Like I said I didn't know where you lived so I just brought you to my house. And no I didn't do anything to you in your sleep. I'm not like that man" He said.

I sat up and looked around his room. It was pretty messy aside from his desk. I looked out the window and saw it was still dark out.

 "What time is it?" I asked.

"4:21 am"

"Dustin how did you find me?"

"Well I knew you came with your friend and when you left I followed you so I knew you would get home safe. And no I'm not a stalker either."

"Dustin can I go home?" He nodded and he helped me up. We walked out to his car and I gave him directions to where I lived. On the way there we Madness by Muse was on the radio. It was one of my favorite songs by them and I started to sing along not caring if Dustin heard or not.

"You listen to Muse?" He asked.

"Yea they are one of my favorite bands."

"Maybe you're not such a prude after all."

We arrived at my flat and Dustin walked me to my door. When he turned around to leave I stopped him and said, "Hey Dustin...I forgot to thank you for um what happened."

A smiled went across his face. "Anytime sweetheart" He turned to leave again but not before lighting a cigarette.

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