Chapter 6

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I drove to Dustin's house and opened his door. I could see Patrick, Chase, and Parker crowding around Dustin. When I looked at him I saw that his nose was swollen twice its size and cuts around his face. He had a black eye and looked helpless. He didn't look like the Dustin I knew.

When I saw him I started to tear up. In a way I felt like it was my fault. I wish I would have said yes to going to that party and him having to walk me home.

 He looked up and saw me and said, "Hey sweetheart come here" I ran up to him and hugged him. I don't know where that came from. I just really wanted to make sure Dustin was fine.

"Dustin are you okay?" I said with tears in my eyes and I wiped them away with my sleeve. He nodded and I crawled in his lap, careful not to hurt him. He put his arms around my waist and smiled.

"Hey I knew you couldn't resist sitting in daddy's lap" He said and rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. I'm glad you are okay." I said.

"Yea I'm fine just a little bruised, but hey I look a hell of a lot tougher." He said.

"Oh Dustin." I said smiling. He wiped away my remaining tears and I looked in his brown eyes. His beautiful dark brown hair with his eyes made him a hell of a lot hotter,

God I really did like him. I hated it but all I wanted to do was kiss all his bruises and take care of him. I wanted all of him.

"Is there anything I can do to help, cant we take him to a hospital?" I said looking up at the rest of the guys forgetting they were there.

"He is fine like he said just cuts and bruises" Parker said.

"I'm fine Riley...but I know something you can do for me that would make me feel a whole lot better" He said with a wink.

I got up from his lap and just smirked at him.

"You wish" I said. 

Parker and Chase left and I learned that Patrick was his roommate. Patrick left and went to bed early so it was just me and Dustin.

"Whats the story behind you and your friends?" I asked. 

"You don't need to know about me and my past baby" He said. 

"Please Dustin" I asked looking up at him with my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Well growing up my mom was never there. She was always with a guy or drunk on the couch and I never knew my dad so I kinda always was by myself. When I turned a teenager I saw less and less of my mom she just kinda up and left when I was 14. I stayed with my aunt and uncle but I was always out late and kinda hung around the wrong crowd."

"I thought you and you're friends were the wrong crowd" I said.

"Haha no I mean the wrong crowd. I was up all night drunk or partying and in a lot of fights and I did a lot of things I'm not proud of. I was coming home one night from a party and was drunk out of my mind and I couldn't find my car. I thought I could walk home and ended up getting jumped in an alley-way, but Patrick, Chase, and Parker beat the shit out of those guys and kinda saved me so now I just hang with them."

"Wow too fights you've lost Howell I thought you were a big bad guy who could take care of yourself." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up" He said pushing me and I laughed.

"Well how did you end up living with Patrick?" I asked.

"My aunt and uncle kicked me out after that night and since then I've been living with him in his house his parents bought for him." 


"We aren't as bad as we seem Riley. We are just living life. I'm happy for the way things are now, trust me." He said.

"Dustin can I spend the night?" I asked him realizing how tired I was. Mom didn't really notice I was gone half the time anyway.

"Well its not really night since its 5 in the morning but sure, you can sweetheart. You can sleep in my bed if you want Ill sleep on the couch."

"No Dustin I'm not taking you're bed, you need to sleep and get rest and heal"

"You know my beds big enough for 2″ He said with his smirk.

"Dustin I-"

"Im not gonna do anything, you should know that by now. And besides I'm in too much pain"

"Okay" I said. I had to help him up from the couch. I could tell he was in pain and didn't want to show it in front of me. When we got in his room he took off his shirt and I could see a huge bruise starting to form around his rib-cage.

"Oh Dustin..." I said as I ran my fingers lightly over his bruise. He winced a little and I stopped.

"Its okay It doesn't hurt that bad." He said.

He walked over to the bed and got under the covers. I did too so my back was to his front. He was so warm. I cant believe I was laying in a bed with a guy I completely hated a few of hours ago.

 I heard him whisper in my ear, "Goodnight beautiful"

"Goodnight Dustin" I said with a smile across my face and I drifted off to sleep.

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