Chapter 3

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After Dustin left, I went into my flat and to take a shower. I got in and started washing my hair when it hit me. I was almost raped. 

That disgusting man had his hands on my thighs and my body. I started to cry and try to wash away the feeling he left on me. I felt violated. I got out of the shower and put my favorite pajamas pants on and a t-shirt. I laid down on my bed and curled into a ball and cried till I fell asleep.

Someone was knocking on my door. I woke up and looked at the clock to see it was 1:16 a.m. Who could be knocking this late? Mom must have left something but I doubt she would be home this early, she doesn't usually get home till around 5 a.m. I got up and my face was sticky with tears. I brushed hair with my fingers and walked out. 

 I left the bedroom and opened the front door to see a Dustin smoking a cigarette and wearing his famous leather jacket he seems to never take off. Why does it make him look so attractive?

"Dustin enough with this, you're gonna give me lung cancer just being near you." I grabbed the cigarette out of his mouth and walked over to my sink and put it out. 

"Those are expensive you know" He said.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I thought, since I saved you last night you can at least hang out with me tonight."

"Dustin please just leave me alone, I'm very grateful for what you did but I just really wanna be left alone." I said.

"Come on a little fresh air is what you need"

Right now all I wanted to do was cry again but I felt like I really owed him for yesterday. What the hell why not. I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anyway.

"Okay whatever just let me get dressed." I said.

"Mine if I watch" he said with a wink. I slammed the door in his face and went to get dressed. I just put on a pair of jeans jeans and a grabbed a jacket to be over my t-shirt. 

I walked out and locked the door behind me. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just wait" He said.

Dustin and I walked to his car, which I loved. It was a 2011 black challenger and It made him look so sexier than he already was. God I have to stop thinking these things. I still hated him for all the other shit he has put me through.

When we got closer I could see his friends leaning against the car. I recognized them. They were the ones who always followed Dustin and laughed at his jokes about me. Patrick, Parker, and Chase.

Patrick was the quiet one and usually kept to himself. He didn't laugh at me or make jokes like the rest but was still Dustin's right hand man. Between all of them they were the closest.

Parker was, well I guess the ladies man. I never not saw him without a girl wrapped around him. He usually was writing something in his notebook or drawing. I saw some some his sketches before and I really he wouldn't hang with these guys and use his art to good use.

Chase was the one who always made jokes and cut up in class. All he did was piss everyone off. He was worse than Dustin with the jokes and I knew he was always high on something. He always said he was high on life but if he kept up the way he acted he wouldn't have much of a life after that.

They all were smoking and laughing at what ever Chase said.

"Well well well Dustin, I didn't know you would bring the Virgin Mary to this party." Parker said. 

God I hated when they called me that. 

"Riley what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at home praying for forgiveness of those dirty thoughts you get when you see Dustin" Chase said with a smirk.

"Look Dustin I'm gonna go okay." I started to walk off and he grabbed my arm.

"Look they are just joking its okay you know they don't mean that shit." he said in my ear.

I decided to stay but I could only take so much of their childish games. They better not push me too far.

"Alright lets go" Dustin said to them. Parker and Chase were in one car and Dustin, Patrick, and I were in Dustin's. It still smelled like him. Cigarettes and alcohol.

"Hey Patrick" I said as we got in.I felt kinda bad for him sometimes and knew he wouldn't treat me like the others.

 "Hey Riley" he responded.

 We left the parking lot and Dustin turned on the radio. It started playing Nicotine by Panic! at the Disco.

"I love this song" I said from the back seat.

Dustin looked at me and winked. I blushed really bad and I hoped he didn't see. We drove down town to an abounded warehouse. I didn't even realize we were at this part of town and I was terrified. I know I'm sounding like a prude but being in a car with a couple of delinquents in the middle of nowhere would freak anyone out.

"We aren't gonna do anything illegal are we?" I asked.

They both just smiled and I sunk down in the seat. We parked and Parker and Chase pulled up next to us. Dustin and Chase both got out of the cars and went into the building.

"Where are they going?" I asked Patrick.

"Its fine they are just getting some liquor for tonight. A guy we know buys us some and leaves it here for us to pick up" He said. 

"Why here?" I asked.

"He cant just hand it out in the open and its not just liquor" He said.

I really hoped they wouldn't drug me or try to get me to do that shit with them. Dustin and Chase came back carrying the alcohol and Dustin put have of half of it in the trunk. We drove away from the building with Parker and Chase behind us.

"Dustin where are we going?" I asked as we took a road that lead away from the city.

"You'll see. Stop acting stuck up, you will be fine" He said with a smirk

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