Chapter 7

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I woke up and rolled over and saw Dustin was still asleep. I looked at him and he looked so peaceful. 

I got up and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast for them. I looked in the cabinet and saw that there was nothing but cereal and a candy bar. I looked in the fridge and saw milk and beer. The milk was spoiled so I left a note saying I went to get food. The clock on the microwave said it was 1 in the afternoon so I guess it would get lunch. I grabbed my purse and headed out.

I brought back some food to make sandwiches with and fresh milk. I walked in and saw Phil was drinking a beer and Dan was on his phone, shirtless and in his pajama bottoms.

"Hey guys I brought you some food" I said.

"Thanks" Patrick said. He walked in to the kitchen and pulled out a bowl and his cereal.

"You don't want a sandwich? Its 1 in the afternoon" I asked Patrick.

"Not for me." He said and poured the milk in his cereal.

 "Dustin you want a sandwich?" I asked.

"No I'm fine"

"Dustin you need to eat" I said.

"I'm fine Riley" He said. "Come here" he said patting the couch beside him.

I sat down beside him and he looked at me and said, "I'm sorry I was an asshole to you. I know I've been a jerk and after staying with me last night and bringing me food and damn I only said all those mean ass things is because I like you Riley." He said.


"Will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked.

I didn't know what to say. Dustin was this tough, bad ass guy and now he looked so sweet and innocent and he was asking me on a date.

"Yes I would love too" I said smiling. 

"Thanks Riley" He pulled me into a hug. God he was so warm. I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

He winced in pain and I said, "Hey Dustin can I get you a aspirin or something?"

"I'm fine but can you hang me my cigarettes?"

I grabbed them off the coffee table and his lighter too and gave it to him. 

"What should I wear?" I asked.

"Something nice. I know this restaurant that my aunt took me too and I know you would love." He said blowing smoke.

"Dustin you really need to stop smoking, that stuff is gonna kill you"

"I cant baby, they are addicting, just like you" He said with a wink.


I left his house later in the day and went home to take a shower and thought about this weekend. It felt like a week but its only been 2 days. First the party, cliff jumping and him getting hurt, and now I'm going on a date with him. This weekend has just been a roller coaster of events.

I got out the shower and got dressed for our date. I wore a short, black strapless dress and black heels. I only wore this dress twice, to a funeral and to diner with my parents. I was surprised it still fit. 

I still couldn't believe agreeing to this date. I knew what kind of guy Dustin was and was I really wanting to get involved in this? Yea I am.

I looked in the mirror after I was done with my make up and for once I thought I looked pretty. I heard Dustin knock on the door at seven sharp. He looked absolutely handsome. He wore a nice dress shirt and a black jacket with matching black pants. His face was still cut but his black eye was faded, but damn he still took my breathe away.

"Well well Howell I didn't know a bad boy like you could dress up so nice" I said.

"There's a lot you don't know about me sweetheart" He said gesturing me to hook my arm around his.

We left the house and went to the restaurant. It was a fancy one near the London bridge and we go table that could look straight out to it. 

"Wow this place it so beautiful Dustin" I said.

"Wait till you have the food" He said.

The waiter showed us our table and gave us the menus. I looked at the names of the food and didn't understand what any of it was. It was french or too posh for me to understand.

"Dustin this food is to fancy" I said laughing.

"Yea I know I'm used to eating take-out every night" We both laughed and then I looked at the prices.

"Dan um this is too expensive I cant eat this"

"Don't worry baby I have the money" He said. I felt like that was kinda mean for asking but what do I know about him. I remembered what he said, There's a lot you don't know about me sweetheart 

I ordered something that hand the word chicken in it and Dustin ordered the same. 

"You look beautiful tonight, Riley"

"And you look handsome as well Dustin" I said.

The waiter brought our food and looked (and smelled) delicious. We dove right in and it tasted how it looked. Amazing. Dustin and I talked the rest of the night and I learned his favorite bands and movies. 

After diner, he held my hand and we walked around the city of London.

It was so beautiful at night and we watched street performs play a romantic song on the violin. Dustin put his arms around my waist and we swayed to the music. 

I still couldn't believe this was the same guy who ruined the last three years of y life or the same guy who was know as the drug addict I loved this Dustin. 

I turned around and kissed him. I don't know what came over me but i needed too.He kissed me back and put his hands up to my face. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and him reaching down to grab my bum. I now realized we are in public.

"Dustin can we go back to your place" I said.

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