Chapter 4

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We drove down to a field near the railroad tracks. The field was surrounded by woods and we were far from my flat. I started to worry what they were going to do.

They parked the cars behind near the woods and everyone got out of the car. I was still scared at what they were up too.

"Come on Riley" Dustin said.

"I'm not going to jail for doing something illegal with you guys" I said.

The boys laughed and Dustin grabbed my arm.

"Come on." He said and pulled me out the car. We started walking into the woods till we came to a fence. A sign hooked on it said No Trespassing.

"Well looks like we've came to a dead end." I said and tried to walk back to the car but Dustin grabbed my arm again.

"Hold up sweetheart" He said as he pointed to a hole in the fence. Patrick, Parker, and Chase crawled under and Dustin took me with him.

Once inside we walked further into the woods. It was pitch black and I didn't understand where we were going.

 "What are we doing?"

"You're a virgin right? Well we kinda made a deal with the devil so we have to take you deep into the woods to sacrifice you to Satan." Chase said and everyone started laughing.

For a split second I believe him. 

As we got deeper in the woods I heard music playing. The closer we got the louder the music became. We came out in an opening and looked to see people dancing and drinking. 

A party. It was just a party. I finally let out a breath I've held since we got here.

The full moon gave off enough light so it was easy for people to see. Beside the clearing there was a huge cliff over looking a lake or river.

I noticed Patrick had the liquor from earlier as he sat it down near other pile by a cooler.  People were dancing some lame pop song and drinking beer and and smoking, what I thought smelled like weed. Couples were by the edge of the lake making out and touching every place that could be touched.

"Dustin what is this?" I asked.

"Its a party sweetheart!" He grabbed a beer out the cooler. "We come here every Saturday and well just hang." He took a swig of the beer.

"Oh." I said.

"What did you think we were going to do? Gang rape you or really sacrifice you to Satan?" He said laughing.

"Well um"

"Look I'm not a guy who takes advantage of girls okay, but if you really want sex we can go back to the car and I can make you feel good sweetheart" He winked. 

God his wink made me shiver and deep down I wanted him. I pushed those thoughts out. I cant have a crush on him, he is nothing but trouble

"No thanks Howell, I wouldn't have sex with you if my life depended on it. Who knows what all diseases you have" I said.

He just laughed and took a long sip of his beer and chucked it in the lake. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I bet can make you change your mind" He smirked as he got closer to me.

Just then Parker came up to us and said,"Hey we are about to start jumping" 

Dustin smiled at me and said, "Come on, you're gonna love this sweetheart"

He grabbed my hand and we walked up to the top of the cliff we saw when we arrived here. People were lined up around the bank of the lake and there was a crowd at the edge looking down at the lake.

I walked over and looked down to see about a 100 foot drop to the water. It didn't look that high up from where we were standing earlier.

Oh no. Please don't make me jump.

Just then a half naked Chase ran beside us and jumped off the cliff into the water. When he came up from the water everyone cheered. More people started jumping after that including couples who held hands as they jumped.

"Come on Howell its your turn!" Parker said from the water.

Dustin looked at me and smiled. He took off his leather jacket and t-shirt showing off his bare chest. God he was so good-looking and I just realized how how tone he was. I hated admitting but when he took off his pants I felt my cheeks turn red and warm.

"Liking the view sweetheart?" He said. "Anytime you wanna see the rest, you let me know" He winked and I blushed harder. Thank God it was dark out so he couldn't see my cheeks.

He backed up and got a running start and jumped. I watched him land with his body stiff as a board. He came up and was cheering. Everyone was clapping and cheering also.

"Riley its your turn" Dustin yelled.

Oh no. I was terrified of heights and couldn't swim good enough. Plus I really didnt wanna strip down in front of these guys.

"I'm good" I said.

 "Come on Riley, show us you're not a prude." Chase said. Everyone started chanting my name over and over.

"Fuck it" I whispered to myself. I took off my shirt Dustin whistled.

"Take it off sweetheart" He said. I flipped him off and he just started laughing with that stupid smirk of his.

I took off my pants and was left only in my underwear. I heard cat calls from Chase, Dustin, and Parker.

"Okay take the rest off" Someone said and I rolled my eyes once more.

 I looked over and saw that Patrick didn't jump, he just sat at the shore watching everyone.

I backed up and kept thinking to myself, " Keep legs straight, and hold nose" I know if I kept thinking about this I wouldn't be able to jump. 

"Come on Riley" I whisper. People were still chanting. I started getting a running start and prayed it wouldn't be cold when I hit the water.

I ran to the edge and jumped.

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