Chapter 12

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It was Friday night and I finished all my exams that week and tomorrow Dustin would come home. I walked into my flat when Stacy called me.

"Hey Riley lets go to a bar or a club tonight and hang out. I miss you and haven't talked to you since last week"

I just realized my entire week has been about or with Dustin. I haven't hung out with any of my friends or talked to them.

"Yea we can. We have a lot to talk about and hey sorry for walking out that night" I said.

"Yay! And its no problem I understand. Ill pick you up a seven love you girl" She hung up and I called Dustin.

"Hey baby" he said.

"Hey honey I just want you to know that Im going out with my friend tonight, but ill be back when you get home tomorrow"

"Okay and maybe when can get you that tattoo you wanted tomorrow"

"Sure Dustin bye"

"Bye babe" He said and I hung up.

 I walked into my closet and looked for something to wear. I literally only wear jeans and t-shirts so I had no 'clubbing' outfits. I thought about the dress I wore on my date with Dustin but it was too fancy for a club. I decided to go shopping before tonight.

I walked into the store and looked around for something to wear. I grabbed this cute black and blue dress and was about to try on when a girl came up to me and tapped my shoulder. She was skinny and had brown hair with gray eyes. She looked nervous to talk to me. She looked kinda familiar.

"Hi um are you Dustin Howell's girlfriend?" She asked me.

"Yea?" I answered.

"Oh well Im Alex" She said holding out a hand. I shook her hand and she smiled. "I saw you with Dustin at the party last Friday. Is it okay if I ask you something?"

"Um sure you can" I said.

"Well you know Dustin has a reputation of sleeping with girls then breaking their hearts. He was always out late doing god know what with his friends. He would come back home drunk and only wanted sex from any girl he so called dated. The reason I'm telling you this is because you seem like a sweet girl and I don't want him to hurt you so please steer clear of Dustin Howell."

There was a long pause before I said, "You don't tell me how my boyfriend is okay. I know you mean well but you don't know what he is like. He is nothing like what you said around me so if you don't mind I'm going to leave." I walked away from her and purchased the dress as fast as not caring if it fit or not. I could and walked to my car.

On the way home I was mad. Mad at her for saying shit about Dustin and mad at myself because deep down I'm scared she is right. 

At home I put on the dress. It seemed to fit thank goodness. I put on make-up and Stacy arrived soon after that.  We drove down to this bar/club across town and I'm not a club person. I don't like the loud noises or taste of alcohol. She was 18 and could legally drink in England and get into this club but me being 17 sill had to have a fake ID she made me a month ago.

"So whats up with you? Why have you been all secret and under the radar lately. You always tell me everything but for the past week you've been all quiet." She said sipping her cocktail.

"Well I kinda met this guy..." I said

"O-M-G who?? Is it Mike from Chemistry or Alan from world history?? You know they both have crushes on you." she said with a smirk.

"No um...Dustin Howell"

"Dustin Howell? Please tell me you're joking, Riley?"

"No im not, he is not as bad as he seems"

"Not as bad as he seems?? Riley everyone knows he deals drugs, vandalizes, smokes, steals, trespasses, and a bunch of other illegal shit you don't need to be involved in. You can do better than him and you know it."

"He is nothing like that! People are so fucking judgmental of him and damn for once im happy with a guy and you say he is trash right to my face. You're suppose to be my friend and I know you think you are watching after me but I'm not a little girl with just a crush."

I slammed my drink on the bar and walked to call a cab. When the cab arrived i got in the back with tears in my eyes. I don't know what went over me. I guess the deal with that girl Alex and with Stacy it just kinda blew up. I sighed feeling like a bitch.

I arrived at my flat and laid on the bed.  I knocked over those stupid heels and started to cry. I cried and cried and thought what if I was wrong about Dustin. Maybe he was bad for me, maybe he was nothing but trouble.

Maybe he was just using me for sex just like Alex said. I'm a goody toe-shoes and he knew that I would be gullible enough to fuck. My Dustin, the boy who made me fall in love with him.

My Dustin, wasn't mine to begin with. 

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