Chapter 25: The Truth, Unveiled

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Those words.

The words I've been waiting my whole life to hear.  Wanting to hear. The words I would have given just about anything to hear at any point in my life, sounds like a curse to my ears now.

I love you.

He whispered those words to me and it made me love him more. It made me want to wrap myself in his arms and forget the world. Go somewhere - just him and I - where we don't have to worry about any of this anymore. We don't have to worry about death and blood and age and betrayal and all the fear this world has to offer. I want to take his arm and run away with him forever, somewhere no one would ever find us again so that we could live in peace.

He whispered these words to me and it make me hate him. I shouldn't need that now. I shouldn't hear that now. I should be focusing on the little boy in my arms. Jordan; he was only ten. His body felt so tiny in my arms. I've lifted him before, and he was light compared to my Krusnik strength, but now, holding him in my arms, he's as light as a feather. He shouldn't be this light. He shouldn't be this pale. He shouldn't be this motionless.

I bury my face deeper into Gabriel's shoulder, wishing my tears alone could wash away the bloodshed around me. Even though little Jordan wasn't in my arms anymore, but rather on the floor in front of me, I could still feel his weight. Feel what little bit of warm blood that was flowing from his body run over my hands, through my fingers and over my lap.

The sound of the sirens are roaring in my ears, like the police cars busted through the walls of the Orphanage. Gabriel's grip on me tightens - or is it my grip on him? - and I hear him talking. His voice is low, and shaky, the strength it once had is slipping away.  The reality of what is going on around him is starting to hit him, I can feel it.

He's swallowing a lot, no doubt the smell of human blood is activating his natural vampiric reaction, and he's starting to squirm. Maybe it's the blatant - and deeply painful -  fact that we were surrounded by dead bodies? Or perhaps it was his hunger was getting to him, despite the horrific scene around him.

I can't blame him, if I hadn't known all of these people surrounding me for the last few months, I probably would have had a much different reaction too. But then again, the smell of human blood is enough to shut down my natural hunger before it can even start. Thanks, genetics. That, and human engineering.


The cops had a lot of questions that I - since I was the one that was here long before Melody and Gabriel showed up - didn't know how to answer. Until the coroner could determine exactly when the attack on the Orphanage took place, I'm the major suspect for the attack. Unlike the attack that killed Shawn's brother, this one had all it's blood still in the place.

As horrific and terrible as it all was, I couldn't stop myself from keenly listening to everything they had to say about the scene, things that my untrained eyes would never have been able to pick up. Like how whomever killed them had to of been waiting in the house for them  because the majority of the bodies are near the front door with signs of being dragged into the house rather than an attack from the front door.

It didn't take long for Gabriel's mother to show up, which was a surprise to Gabriel. Her mossy green eyes are surrounded by a lot of dark make-up that make flecks of gold in them pop as she draws near. Her long, glossy black hair is spun into large, bouncy curls down to the middle of her back is contrasted by the tight, stark white dress that clung to all the curves of her body with a black belt around her waist and the top two buttons undone to show some cleavage. That, and the huge diamond necklace around her throat, between prominent collar bones, and large hoop earrings dangling from her ears, glittered in the light. Even her shoes are stark white too.

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