Chapter 21: Ruined Reunion

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Ms. Lilith must have sensed something in my voice. She looks up at me with big blue eyes, trying to study me. "Is something wrong, Luca? What do you need to tell me about?" She stares at me with innocent, kind eyes, completely unexpecting of the horrible news I have for her. The terrible things going on in the city that not even I know much about.

I open my mouth, fully intending on telling her... something. Anything. I want to not have so many secrets locked up in my head. She was raised by a Krusnik, by Five Hundred! She, herself, knew that I was a Krusnik. And she was raised by Stefan Schiovani's current prey. I wouldn't be able to look Ms. Lilith in the eye if something happened to her adoptive mother and I could have done something to stop it.

But on the other hand, I promised. I promised Gabriel and Melody that I wouldn't say anything until we figured out more about what their parents are doing or to somehow pull the blame from Mel's parents and Gabriel's mother, to direct the blame to Stefan. I promised them. No matter how pissed I am... or was, at Gabriel, I still don't want to break that promise.

"I...I'm worried about Five Hundred," I say, and the words sound really weird to me. I mean, I have no reason to hate her, she's never done me any wrong. Then again, neither has Six, but he scares the shit out of me. It's just one of those things that I just can't explain. Even though I have no reason to fear Six, I do, and even though I have no reason to help Five Hundred, I want to. I can't explain it.

Ms. Lilith turns her head. "What about her? Is something wrong?" Her thin blond eyebrows pull together.

I open my mouth and the words just tumble out, without me really thinking about them. "I'm just worried about there being so many Krusnik nearby. She could be hurt..."

Ms. Lilith relaxes, smiling. "That's sweet of you, Luca." Yeah, not really. She looks down at some papers she was grading. "Amala can take care of herself. Plus, if there is something going on that she can't handle, Draven would take care of them. They bicker like cats and dogs, but they are still mates. They would never turn a blind eye to the other being in danger."

I don't say any more. I'm afraid I may slip up and reveal somehting I probably shouldn't. But I don't know what else to say. I don't know what to do without breaking my promise.


It's lunch time and I'm nervous. This is the first time I'd be seeing Mel and Shawn since I got taken out of normal classes. Which I know was just yesterday, but somehow, it feels like a lifetime. I bid Ms. Lilith farewell and head to the lunchroom with the trickling bits of remaining, meandering people.

I'm a little late to lunch, I had to do some last minute finishes to the homework for Ms. Lilith.  I walk down the hall toward the lunchroom, a little apprehensive about going to see them. What if they suddenly hate me or something? I wish I were better at social interaction, I would know what to do in a situation like this.

It doesn't originally occur to me until I already have my food and I'm walking toward the table, that I was supposed to still be mad at Gabriel. He hurt my feelings and made me feel truly awful, but I'm just too tired to start up a fight with him again. So ignoring him is probably going to be the best option. I contemplate finding a different place to sit when Melody sees me.

"Luca! Over here!" Melody calls, standing up, waving her hand around like I couldn't see her ten feet in front of me.

A part of me wants to turn and run away when both Gabriel and Shawn turn to look at me. Shawn is to Melody's left and and then there is an open chair to her right, and then Gabriel. She reaches out and pulls out the chair to her right. Between her and Gabriel. 

I hesitate. I don't mean to. But it's obvious and they all see it. I shake my head and walk around to the offered chair. I sit down and lay my tray in front of me. Melody lowers herself next to me and gives me a look.

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