Chapter 17

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Toris gulped. His mom had called for him from downstairs.

The Lithuanian treaded lightly toward the main floor. Had his mom read the note he left? Or maybe even scarier: had she flipped the note over?

But his mom didn't seem to have noticed anything unusual. She smiled as she saw her son.

"Hey, just got home from work. How was your day?"


"Your father says he's going to be working late. He's not going to be home for dinner. I was thinking we could go out to eat somewhere. Any idea where?"

Toris blinked. "Uh, I don't really care. You choose."


Toris and his mom wound of going to a locally owned restaurant around the block from where they lived.

By the time the waiter had returned with their drinks (two waters, although Toris's with lemon) the Lithuanian was feeling restless.

He felt so awkward. He didn't want to mention the note, because if his mom hadn't seen it yet and asked Toris what it was about, Toris wouldn't be sure how to respond.

Toris sipped his water thoughtfully, nodding along with the small talk his mother was making. For the most part, he listened to her speak, but occasionally Toris would offer his input on a story, or a quick answer to a question his mother had asked him.

He was halfway way through his meal when he couldn't wait any longer.

"Hey Mom," he said, swallowing.

Toris's mother looked up. "Hmm?"

"I was uh, just wondering, but did you see the note I left on the fridge?"

"Yes." The answer was so nonchalant, Toris took a double take.

"Yes?" He asked. He was met with a nod. Toris's eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Oh," he murmured slowly, heart beginning to race. "Well, what did you think?"

Toris's mother put her fork down. Toris gulped. His mother refolded the napkin on her lap, choosing her words carefully.

"I was surprised," she said at last.

Toris held his breath. A good surprised or a bad surprised? He wanted to ask, but he let his mother continue.

"And I'm proud of you for telling me."

His mother picked her fork back up, and continued eating.

Was that it? That was the whole conversation? Toris forgot to remind himself to keep breathing.

His mother, noting the uneasy apprehension on his face, smiled. "I don't really care," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "If you like boys, or girls, or whoever else. All I see when I look at you is the kind young man you're becoming, and that's all I care about."

Toris took a shaky breath. That was not the reaction he'd expected at all. He thought that either a) his parents would get all emotional and hug him and tell him that they loved him and just overreact in general or b) act similarly to how Felik's parents had. But not caring? It was probably the best response he could've hoped for. At least his mom wouldn't treat him any differently now that she'd heard the news.

"Thank you," Toris said. He couldn't lull his voice to talk any more surefooted than a dull, raspy whisper.

And then he began crying. It wasn't an ugly upset cry that Toris knew only too well. It was a happy cry. The kind where you can't stop yourself from smiling.

His mother smiled back.

Despite his joy, the moment was bittersweet. Toris knew it was stupid, but he felt a bit guilty. About how much easier coming out was for him than it was for Feliks when Toris was the one who made a big deal about it the first place.

*Time skips brought to you by American donuts. The colors change for holidays**

Toris's dad had taken the news similarly well. There was one thing that he had said that was a bit unsettling to Toris, though.

"I'm sure you know what you like," his dad said. "I trust you on that. But you're a bit young to be falling in love, don't you think? You're still in middle school."

Toris had wanted to argue that yes, he did love Feliks, but he decided against it. The past month had been exhausting and Toris didn't want to add any more drama to it.


Toris's last visit with Feliks came all too soon.

Feliks had hugged his friend when he entered the room.

"Liet!" He greeted, grinning happily. Toris grinned back. He couldn't help but smile when he was around Feliks.


Feliks sat cross-legged on the floor. "Ohhhmygod Liet you will like, never believe what happened!"

"What?" Toris was curious.

"Well, uh, nothing actually. It's totally boring here without you."

Toris chuckled. "Well you will never guess what happened with me."

Feliks raised his hand. "Ooh, ooh, can I guess?"

The Lithuanian nodded. Feliks's enthusiasm never failed to put him in a good mood.

"Okay, so did you like, go all badass and ninja-y and sneak into Gilbert's house and steal the picture in the dead of night and then like, ride off on your pony so you wouldn't get caught?"

"Sort of," Toris laughed. "I did get the picture back. But I also told my parents about us."


"And they were cool about it."

Feliks raised a finger. "Wait," the Pole said abruptly. "Like, totally super fabulously cool about it?"

"Totally super fabulously cool," Toris confirmed.

He just wasn't sure if he would be able to be totally super fabulously cool without Feliks. He was in love with the Pole, no matter what anyone said.

But Feliks would be moving away. The two wouldn't be able to meet in person anymore.

Feliks kissed Toris on the nose. "I love you, Liet."

Toris just hoped it would stay that way.

A/N: Little writers block on this chapter, so sorry if it wasn't great.

I love seeing all your comments, so at the end of chapters I'm going to ask a question that you can respond to in the comments.

Which aph character(s) is most like you?

Personally I think I'm a combination of aph Greece and aph Switzerland. Switzy is like me bc he is antisocial af and super cheap, and Greece is like me bc he is lazy, loves to sleep, and is obsessed with cats.

Also, please remember to vote if you enjoyed this chapter ^L^ ^J^

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