Chapter 19

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After that one day, time seemed to fly.

The school year whizzed by. The Hip Ships was published, and a couple kids asked Toris is he had chosen Feliks as his own match, and Toris would answer honestly.

Besides that, everything was pretty dull. Talking to Felils after school was always Toris's favorite part of the day.

Before the Lithuanian knew it, the school year was over and then it was Summer, and then in the blink of an eye Highschool started.

At one point in time Feliks mentioned to Toris that he was getting a new phone and a new Skype, but would contact Toris again soon.

But after a couple of weeks of no contact at all from Feliks, Toris felt disheartened. Had Feliks forgotten to copy down his contacts? Had the Pole accidentally lost his number? Or had Feliks moved on and just used 'getting a new phone' as an excuse?

Eventually a couple of weeks rolled into a couple of months. Than a year. Than two.

Toris waited for a text, for a FaceTime request. There were none.


Toris's depression was still a work in progress. Toris took his meds regularly, and on most days, he was fine. There were however a few outliers in his recovery. Days he just wanted to curl into a ball and disappear. But Toris was slowly getting better. Those bad days grew more and more infrequent over time, eventually becoming almost nonexistent.

Toris waited loyaly for Feliks. Deep down he knew he wanted to move on. But he stubbornly waited for a call, or an email. Anything.

There were other guys of course, especially moving into Highschool. Toris took a chance and even went on a few dates with a boy named Vlad.

But the two never really clicked. Vlad was friendly alright, and he had a bit of a mischievous charm, but he wasn't very easygoing. They didn't share very many interests, and Toris found Vlad hard to talk to sometimes. He just wasn't Feliks.

So Toris remained single. By his junior year, the Lithuanian began to feeling a sort of resentment for Feliks. Why had he ditched Toris? Had he found another guy?

No. Feliks wouldn't do that. The resentment passed quickly, only to be replaced by questions. Toris had so many. What was Feliks doing now? Why hadn't he heard anything from Pole? Did Feliks think about Toris as much as the Lithuanian thought about him?

Toris struggled to understand why his feeling for Feliks never passed. In Highschool he saw couples madly in love with each other break up, and then move on. Why couldn't Toris do the same? Why was he somehow different? Or was it Feliks that was different?

Toris wanted answers.

One afternoon the Lithuanian decided that he would find them for himself. He logged into YouTube, onto the account FabuLiet. He rewatched Feliks's video, tearing up a bit as he remembered the pain Feliks had endured for him.

But the channel itself had been abandoned. Feliks didn't use it anymore.

Toris opened his closet. He still had Feliks's Camcorder from when the Pole left it at Ivan's house.

Toris set it up. He switched it on.

The Lithuanian had no idea what he was doing. He had no script. He hadn't planned out a speech.

But the words tumbled from his mouth. His video was long, almost an hour even. Toris told his story of how he fell in love and Feliks and lost him to the world somewhere.

It was a deep, passionate love story. Toris laughed at some parts, teared up at others. The Lithuanian knew the video would gain popularity before he even finished recording.

There was no need to edit it. The video was raw and painstakingly truthful. But that's what made it Toris's. Toris and Feliks's.

Toris didn't really know what he doing, recording the video. He knew he clung to the false hope that maybe Feliks would see the video, but deep down, Toris knew it brought him no closer to finding the spunky Pole. His lover.

Still, Toris uploaded the video. For the first few weeks immediately afterward, there wasn't much traffic on it. But one day, it seemed to explode with views.

The comments were astounding. There were the sporadic hate comments, but mostly the comments section was filled with supportful messages about how touching Toris's story was. A few people even said the video gave them enough courage to come out to their family and friends.

Toris was taken aback. He had always been a little awkward speaking. He was never good with words. But here people were, saying that Toris's words has inspired them. Encouraged them.

And the comments inspired and encouraged him, too. If he couldn't find Feliks right away, he would just have to keep looking. Maybe someday they'd accidentally bump into each other. A lucky coincidence might occur. Toris clung to that hope. Anything could happen. There was still room for a happy ending.

A/N: I know I say this a lot, but thank you so much for reading this far! I really mean it. This isn't just a polite 'thank you', this is me truthfully being thankful.

Without all your kind comments and votes I probably would've abandoned this story a while ago. So thank you so much for motivating to keep writing!

QOTD: Kf you could date 1 Hetalia character, who would it be and why?

I'd date Spain. For sure. That man is Fiiiiiinnnneee, plus he's so sweet and optimistic.

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