A new album

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(A/n) Hello! I am here with my first x reader story. And my first story on wattpad... So hold on tight cause this is going to be a ride.
A few things first: 1) your native language won't be English, nor Japanese. Any other language will do, but those will be your second and third language respectively.
2) you're not in really good terms with your parents.
3) In order not to make this weird, you'll be able to choose your own age (choose 15 or older, please). That said, depending on your age:
• Cecil will be one year younger*
• Quartet Night and STARISH will be around your age. *
•Ringo and Reiji will be 5 years older*
(*Explanation of why and more detailed info at the end)
These three points will be important. The fourth point is that in the picture at the top you can see Ringo without his wig (isn't he cute?) Now, shall we?

"Who are you?"
You looked up from your book. There were 7 boys your age standing in front of you. They were really cute and seemed barely familiar. So this was the band you were going to work with this time?
Standing up, you stretched your hand. "Hello, my name is (y/n) (l/n). I'm Saotome Shining's emergency contact."
They stayed silent for a moment. You lowered your hand, blushing from embarrassment. But it wasn't like this was the first time you had this reaction.
Oh, same old expressions of confusion... you mentally sighed.
"I'm an emergency contact for albums. When bands, groups and singers have any sort of trouble with their albums - it can be lyrics, artworks or even compositions - that they don't know how to sort out, they call me. I have even gotten to do complete albums that include music videos and dance choreographies."
"AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO NOW!!!" You jumped a little at the sudden shout coming from behind you, but you soon sighed, expecting Saotome to come through the window... Again.
You weren't even surprised when he did as you thought and came through the window with many lights and loud music.
You simply turned around and walked to where he was stuck hanging from a cable. You crossed your arms and looked at him impassively.
"What is it now? Stuck with your artwork for some new band? Quartet Night needs a composer again?"
"No, no, no! I want you to work with these guys" he said pointing at the guys still gaping behind you. You didn't even bother turning back to them as he kept talking, "the newly famous STARISH! I want you to create a whole new album, the complete job! Show them how to increase their public as you did with the rest! I want you to handle everything with this band!"
You sighed "I've told you several times, Saotome, I can't do everything. I don't organize things."
"Alllllright!" Saotome gave you a thumbs up. "I want you to do their whole album!!! Get them even more public!"
You looked at them. It wouldn't be that hard to get them more public with those looks. Each of them seemed to have a sound and color of their own. And if Saotome said they could sing...
"A whole album? How much time do I have?" You questioned, interested. Due to your experience, you had learned not to accept jobs until you had all the information about it.
The silence extended.
He looked... Nervous?
Oh I'm going to kill him!, you thought as you narrowed your eyes. Everyone was silent until Ringo answered for him: "2 months"
"You must be kidding me..."
"Can you do it?"
"How could you do that to your own 'newly famous band'? How can you ask this of me, who has worked with you for years?!"
He stayed silent for a moment. Your patience grew shorter since you had things to do. "...I don't know?"
"Saotome Shining, " You growled angrily "How the hell do you expect me to do a whole album in 2 months? ¡Eso no es humanamente posible, dios santo! Je ne te compris pas! Comment es que tu..."
You continued to mutter angry comments in different languages. English melted into Spanish and Italian as some Japanese escaped your mouth. Goodness gracious, even French and German got past your defenses. You tended to do that a lot, specially among friends and family who could mostly understand you, but you tried to keep it at bay for everybody's sake. But right now you didn't care that they weren't getting more than 5 words in a whole paragraph. From the corner of your eye, you saw one of the guys perk up when you passed through Agnapolis' native language, but you dismissed it as you kept ranting.
You walked around angrily, passing a hand through your head. He made you wonder about this project with a so-called great, new band and now he dropped a bomb like this? How had he done this to his own band, putting off the album like this?
Meanwhile, you glanced around and noticed that STARISH was looking at you surprised. They haven't ever seen Saotome getting scolded like this.
They sure are like Quartet Night, you mused.
You stopped abruptly and took a deep breath.
Thick silence fills the air.
"So, can you do it?" Saotome said happily, but you knew he was still scared.
You released your breath.
"I will... But only if you change the date of the album to be in 3 and a half months."
"3 months and it's a deal!"
"Don't you dare, Saotome" you glared.
"3 and a half months it is." He said with a nervous laugh. Apparently, he really needed you for the job.
You rubbed your temples and walked to the door.
"By the way, Ringo, can you please give me the details of the album later? Or send them through someone? Thanks." you mumbled just loud enough for Ringo to hear you as you slid through the door. You took out your phone and were about to make some calls to get your team here until you remembered that Saotome always said something else to every one of his bands right after you left, and you never knew what that was. You walked a few steps and left your shoes there.
They heard your steps leave. But they didn't hear you come back now that you hadn't any shoes on. You got closer to the door and tried to listen to their conversation.
"Now that we're alone, guys, I have to talk about the 'no love' rule with you."
You heard the guys shuffle awkwardly.
"When it concerns (y/n), the rule no longer exists."
"W-what do you mean?" One of the boys asked.
"I mean, she's the only girl one of you can have a romantic relationship with."
You glared at the door. How dare he...?!
"B-but why?" You heard another one ask.
"Because it'd be good to have her on our side. Too many idols have fallen over her and we need the advantage. She's never dated anyone and there have been legends going around..."
You rolled your eyes. Of course this would be for business only.
"One legend says that she will make the most wonderful love song once she falls in love with someone..."
"Wait, she's never fallen in love?"
You heard Ringo mumble a single "Nope".
Well, that was true. You wondered if the legend was true.
"There is another legend, though" your ears caught. "It is said that she will only fall in love with one true idol."
You rolled your eyes and decided that was it. Too much bullshit. You went for your shoes and kept walking, dialing someone on your phone.
While they answered, you huffed. How dare Saotome tell them they should fall in love with you?
Wait, did he tell that to Quartet Night, too, when you worked with them?
You sighed as the person picked up.
"Moshi, Moshi?" Your best friend picked up.
"I need your help with my kanji. Would you mind if we video call later tonight?"
Your best friend had always loved Japan, and as soon as she could, she came to live here. She was your helper when it came to writing in Japanese.
"(Y/n)? Sure, I'd love to. What project are you working on right now?"
"You know I don't usually ask you for help with my kanji for my songs, but this time I've got a tight deadline for Saotome's band, STARISH and I can't afford them correcting me all the time."
"Did you say STARISH? I love that band! Can I meet them?"
You sighed with a smile. You really missed your best friend and her enthusiasm. "You can come anytime, but remember you've also got your job, so you can't stay that long."
"Sure, sure. I'll make sure to pass by soon, though."
"Alright, thanks. I'll call you around 7:00 tonight?"
"Sure! See ya!"
"See ya!"
You hung up and started dialing other numbers. Since this was a group, you'd need help from at least 1 other person to organize the new choreographies.
Many text messages and phone calls later, you were outside the big-ass manor that accommodated the STARISH members. You wondered if Quartet Night was still here.
Sighing, you walked up to your car and took out some papers from a bag you had there. You stare at the different sample contracts, trying to figure out which was the correct one for a full album. You had learned these always came in handy.
Finally, you found a copy of the sample contract you were looking for. It read that you would be in charge of the whole album, including lyrics, composition, artwork, photo shoots, style, choreographies, music videos, song selection and arranging of the band, among other things. The details would be written after you got them from Ringo. But you had this since it'd be easier and faster to write the contract with this, since your kanji wasn't that good.
You walked back to the building, slowly reading the contract with a concentrated frown, only to bump into a pink-haired girl on your way. Since you were walking slowly, you didn't fall, but the bump was quite surprising.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" You both said in unison. You giggled and reached your hand.
"My name is (y/n). I'm here working with STARISH on their new album."
The girl seemed surprised, but she took your hand nevertheless.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Nanami Haruka. I'm starish's composer" she mumbled with a small voice.
"Oh! Really? That means we'll be working alongside each other for a while, huh? I hope we work together well!" (Yes, you're speaking Japanese and you just formally introduced yourself).
Haruka smiled. Just as she was about to answer, you heard someone shout your name from behind.
"Wha-" your sentence was interrupted when a brown mop of hair attacked your view and hugged you, almost tackling you.
"Oh, my god... Reiji?!" You hugged him back happily. God, how much had you missed this guy.
"(Y/n)! I can't believe it's you!" He pulled away and held you by your shoulders. You giggled softly.
"Well, I'm here. Apparently I'll get to work with this lady here for STARISH's upcoming album."
"Amazing! Does that mean you'll stay here?"
"I don't really know..." You looked at Haruka from over your shoulder. "Miss Haruka, do you happen to know the details of my accommodation?"
"Miss Haruka...?" You heard her mumble.
"That's (y/n) for you." You gasped as you recognized Camus' voice. "She'll call you Mister or Miss, or even Lady sometimes if you just met her. Once she feels comfortable enough with you, she will either call you by your name or give you a nickname." Reiji chuckled as he let you go and you jumped around him to hug Camus.
"Camuuuus!" You hugged him happily. "You haven't called me, Sir (that's his nickname), I've been very worried." You poked his nose. "It's been so long, I can't believe it!"
"(Y/n), you've grown so much through these years. I apologize for being so absent as of late."
"Oh, come on, it hasn't been that long. You called her like 2 weeks ago" Ranmaru said, with Ai walking behind him.
"Raaaaan! I missed you!" You ran and jumped into his arms.
He let out a huff but hugged you back.
Pulling apart, you then turned to Ai, who was standing there awkwardly.
"Hey there, Ai-bot" You said softly and hugged him tightly "I missed you."
"I know" he mumbled and awkwardly hugged you back.
You stayed like that for a moment. You truly, truly liked Ai. He was straightforward and organized, the two most important things in your job and life. If you two didn't have such tight schedules and hung out more, you thought you'd be best friends. But his schedule was tight so you spent more time with the rest of Quartet Night than him. 
"Hey, hey, (y/n), so Reiji here tells me you're working with STARISH?" Camus said behind you. You let Ai go and looked at them.
"Yup. The complete thing, though. I'll be managing the whole album and probably the choreographies, too." You sighed. "So much work for 3 months..."
"Three months?!" Reiji freaked out a little. Everyone looked surprised, even Haruka. Apparently everyone knew albums took around 7 months to 1 year to make when it included music videos and all. "How are you gonna do that?"
"Work, dedication and a good schedule" you smiled. Ai seemed to look at you with the ghost of a smile.
"That's my (y/n)!" Reiji ruffled your hair. You secretly loved when he did that or when he petted your hair. You leaned into the touch happily. He was always so gentle...
"I have to go now. Much stuff to do! Many calls to make, rehearsals and I still haven't signed the contract. See ya later, alright? Miss Haruka, would you please tell me where is Rin-rin's- I mean, Ringo's office?" You looked down to the floor. "I tend to get lost easily..."
"She's been coming here for years..." You heard one of the boys mutter. Blush spread on your face.
Haruka was silent for a moment.
"What if I take you there so you don't get lost?" Said Ranmaru while pushing the small of your back softly to a hall which you supposed was in the direction of the office.
You nodded and gladly walked alongside him, leaving the others behind.
"I'll see you later today, alright?" You said to the people behind you. They all waved back.
Ran and you kept walking until you found a big-ass door.
"This is Saotome's office. Ringo-chan is usually here, too."
You smiled. "Thank you, Ran" Documents in hand, you opened the door. You struggled with it a little so Ran opened it for you. He had problems with it too, though. You chuckled nervously and muttered a thanks as you entered the room.
"Rin-Rin! Where are you? I need to sign the contract!"
Ringo appeared beside you out of nowhere. Even if you were used to it, you jumped a little bit.
"Hey (y/n)! How you doing?"
"I'm fine. A little tired, though. I have too many calls to make and a presentation tomorrow, so I'm kind of in a tight schedule all the time." You sighed but smiled. "What about you?"
"I understand. I've been well. Saotome has kept me busy."
"That's good" you said honestly. He was the kind of person who got really anxious when he had nothing to do, even if he loved breaks. You smiled softly at the memories you two had together.
Ringo went to a desk and started pulling out papers. You sat with your own on a couch nearby. He put some papers on the little table in front of you. As soon at they were there, you took them one by one and read them carefully with a concentrated frown.
Meanwhile, Ringo brought some tea for both of you.
"Thank you, dear." You said in English and smiled softly. Turning back to the documents, you mumbled to him in Japanese. "So why did Saotome wait so long to call me?"
"Huh? Well, I don't really know. I thought he was going to wait a little longer to bring out Starish's new album."
"That'd be a bad marketing strategy, though." You murmured as you transcripts stuff from the document to the contract.
"Yeah, but Nanami needs a lot of time to make a really good single or main song."
"Really? That'll be a nuisance then. Seems like I'll have to teach her the same I taught Quartet Night, right?" You smirked.
He chuckled. "Probably. But she's a really good composer and her way of work is a lot like yours."
"Is that so?" You were reading a really difficult page which included the details of what you needed to do with the lyrics and composition. "Here it says that it'll become repetitive for the fans and the group if they do the same they did in their last album."
A sigh escaped his lips, "Yeah. Nanami put a bit of the other two albums in the main song. The song was amazing and that part was really clever, but if she does it one more time, we fear we'll loose public."
You hummed. "Once, it's great. Twice, it's nice. But trice would be dull."
Ringo watched you work in silence while he sipped his tea. After around fifteen minutes, you muttered quietly in English "I miss your short hair."
"I... I miss your short hair" you repeated, now in Japanese, covering with the documents so he couldn't see your blush.
Ringo seemed surprised by the statement but soon chuckled lightly and put a finger under your chin, lifting your head softly so you would look at him.
"Is that so?" You nodded but looked down to the floor because of the embarrassment.
He slipped his hand away from your chin and both of his hands made their way to his hair.
You gasped softly. "No, no, Ringo, I know you're uncomfortable without your wig! Please don't take it off just because of what I said!"
He chuckled again, pulling off his wig completely and laying it carefully on the table. "Don't worry. I don't feel uncomfortable around you. We've known each other since we were... What? 13?"
That lightened the mood a little and you giggled.
"Nope, nope. You were 15 and I was 10. I didn't know Japanese and you were the only one who helped me, since I was barely starting with lyric writing and helping Saotome with his last album." You poked his cheek softly "I remember because when I was 11, I went back to Agnapolis while you started Saotome's school at 16."
"Right, right." He chuckled. You sat next to him and ran a hand through his hair softly.
You sighed "I missed you a lot, Rin-Rin."
"I missed you, too, dear." Ringo said softly while petting your hair with a blush. He knew how much you had always enjoyed that. You two stayed like that for a while, until he sighed.
"(Y/n), we've got to finish this contract."
"I know, I know..." You took the papers in your hands and moved to stand up and sit back on your seat, but a hand around your hips restrained you.
"I never said you should leave." He said with a blush, looking away from you. You furrowed your eyebrows. "If- If you want you... You can lay on my lap."
Your eyes widened slightly in happiness, since you always loved doing that, especially when you were this tired. He really knew you too well.
"R-really?" Ringo nodded slightly. "Thank you!"
Papers in hand, you slowly lowered your head to his lap and put your legs on the couch, shifting slightly to find a comfortable position. When you were all set, you began looking through all the papers again, copying some things in your contract. In the meantime, Ringo kept messing with some strands of your hair.
"A new style for the group..." You muttered in your native tongue.
Ringo hummed understandingly. He was the only one who even bothered to learn your language, so you often spoke simple sentences in it when you two were alone.
After about an hour, you finished the contract and got up. You had checked it a few times and even asked Ringo if everything was right.
"Done! Thank you for everything, Ringo!"
He smiled softly, standing up, too. You glanced at the papers and gave them to him, so they could be signed up.
"I guess I'll be staying here, huh?"
"Yeah, Saotome thought the most time you spent with the group, the better."
"Sure he did," you mumbled. "You know, Ringo, I was thinking... Maybe we could sign the contract in three days."
"Wait, you aren't backing down now, are you?"
"No, no... It's just- I haven't really met STARISH. I mean, I have heard a few songs and I have a few choreographies... But they haven't really seen my work and I really have stuff to do these three days. So I was thinking maybe we should push back the date for the contract. That way they have an idea of what I'll do and they can decide if they want to work with me or not."
Ringo looked at you, not very surprised. "I knew you'd say something like that. Everyone wants to work with you, but you won't accept it. Once people start working with you, they fall in love and want to do it again. That's why so many people want to go to your presentations." You blushed madly and looked at the floor, silent. Ringo sighed softly.
"Alright, I'll tell the boys. You have a presentation tomorrow, right? You have to go to practice. Come on, I'll show you your room so you can leave your stuff and head to there. "
You nodded happily. "Are you coming to the presentation?"
Ringo smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Picture: http://stuffpoint.com/uta-no-prince-sama/image/211302/tsukimiya-ringo-picture/

*So here's the tricky thing. Ringo is 23 in the first season. Everyone in STARISH is around 15 there. (You're going to be original Starish's age) To make this less weird, let's make him four years younger, alright? This would make him 19 in the first season while you were 15 (this way you can also be with Cecil, who was 14). Reiji, on the other hand, was 25 on the second season. So we'll take away four years, too.
I did my maths:
•Reiji, Ranmaru and Ringo are 4 years older. 
•Camus is (surprisingly) 3 years older.
•Natsuki and Ren are 2 years older.
•Cecil is one year younger.
•Masato and Tokiya are one year older.
•Syo and Ittoki are your age.
•Ai... He's supposedly 15 in season 2, but we'll make him your age alright?

So pick your age! ANYTHING is fine, but please try to choose 16 or older. Even 15 is alright. Younger than 20 would be perfect, too, because of what'll happen in the story.

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