Imagine #20

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Imagine #20

We all have that high school bad boy.

Mine was Justin Bieber, he used girls like he used tissues.

Kinda gross yeah, I know. But he was also after something better.

"So then Connor was like, 'babe I need space. I don't know what I want.' Like how can- Maycie? You there?" My best friend Allianna waved her hands in my face.

"Yeah I'm here haha. I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"What do you think?" Justin's been trying to get with me since the beginning of junior year. It was honestly annoying but I couldn't do anything about it.

"You need to stop thinking about him. He's a loser. Honestly he just wants to get in your pants."

"Trust me, I know. I'm just thinking how I can get him to stop."

"You know there's absolutely no way that will happen. Only way he'll go away is if you have sex with him and there's always the possibility of pregnancy and an STD. Plus you'll be basically having sex with everyone he's had sex with and everyone they've had sex with and so on. It's a brutal process."

"I know. Do you think I could get the school involved?"

"And be known as that pussy girl who cousins handle a little Justin Bieber? Tease him, let him think you are interested. Then cut him off like a wart. It'll be fun."

"Is this what you did to get Connor to commit?"

"Oh hell yeah. A little Justin Bieber interest threw his testosterone off the edge. I regret nothing."

"Do you ever regret anything?"

"Nope. I thrive to live life with no regrets."

"Well you're doing a good job."

"Hello ladies." And there he was...

"Hi Justin." I couldn't have sounded so uninterested in my life.

Algebra 2 was more interesting than him.

"So I was thinking we could go out tonight? You know.. Chill and stuff."

"What's do you have in your mind about this 'stuff' you speak of?"

"Just you know, Netflix, cuddling.. That stuff I know you're totally into."

"You don't know me."

"I know you good enough. You're like all those other girls. Trust me. I know who you are."

"Then who am I?"

"You are this amazingly beautiful girl I like so how about that Netflix and chill date?"

Shall the teasing begin..

"Sure. Why not. I'll see you there Justin." I smiled and walked away.

He obviously hasn't had sex in a while, so you are welcome.

Fuckboys just need to learn to shut up and not cheat.

It's annoying.


Sorry haha, I figured I would do fuckboy Justin.

I'm just doing this bc I'm bored haha

~Alexis Bieberr~ 😘💋💋

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