Imagine #1

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Imagine #1

"Jjjuuusssstttiiiinnn...." You whined as your best friend Justin teased you with a piece of candy.
"Wwwwhhhhaaaatttt??" Justin whined obviously mocking you.
"Gimme a piece of candy."
"No. They're mine." He pouted.
"But I bought them!"
"FOR ME!" He screamed playfully.
"Please!! I'll love you forever."
"You already said you'll love me forever." He smirked knowing his win over you.
"Then I guess I'll have to get Pattie.." His eyes just about popped out of his skull. He was scared of his mom.
"Don't. You. Dare."
"Watch me." You tested.
"PATTIE!! JUSTIN WON'T-" Pattie wasn't even here. It was just you and Justin.
"Stop! Okay she grounded me last time I didn't share with you."
"Them gimme some candy."
"You want me to get Pattie?"
"Justin really? Stop being a stubborn ass hole."
"I'm not being a stubborn ass hole! Your being a stuck up bitch!" He argued. Okay call me whatever you want but I don't accept bitch. You scoffed and stormed out ignoring Justin's attempts to get you back into his house. You didn't care anymore. All this over candy. How fucking stupid. You just about reached your house when you felt a hand on your left forearm. You turned around and saw Justin. His eyes almost looked red and swollen from tears. Really? It's been 15 minutes.
"Y/N I didn't mean it. Okay you got me really mad.. You know I have anger issues and I'm working on it. I'm taking anger management classes and you know that. I tried being calm it just didn't work. I'm really sorry." He said while tears strummed down his face.
"I don't want to be mad but I know I have to. Justin you dropped the 'b' bomb on ME! I'm supposed to be your best friend. Now some girl you can call a bitch. You know I hate that."
"I know. I do know and really I regret ever knowing that word. If you hate me them hate me. Just know that all this started over a piece of candy." He smiled.
"Yea all this over candy."
"I brought you some." He said while taking sour patch kids out of his pocket. Our favorite candy.
"I don't want it now."
"Why what's wrong with it?"
"It's been in your pocket and God only knows what's been in your pockets."
"I only have.. Sour patch kids, my phone, a receipt, and a.. Condom?"
"What the hell?! Why in the hell so you have a fucking condom in your pocket!"
"I don't know I don't even remember putting it there!" He said looking on the back smiling.
"Look." You looked at the back of the condom package seeing a small note.

Look we all know you wanna fuck Y/N so please if you are use this we don't want any little Justin's yet.
-Chaz and Ryan

"Ryan and Chaz put it there. They said I wanna fuck you." He said smiling.
"What do you guys talk about when I'm not there?!"
"Awe ya know.. Girls, sex all that stuff."
"You are disgusting."
"Well while we have it why don't we use it?"
"Come on. You know you want to." Really you were dying to. Justin leaned in and kissed you. You didn't hesitate to kiss back. He led you to you room where you both lost your virginity.

That's the first imagine! Read my other stories if u like me as a writer!

~Alexis Bieberr~ 😘💋💋

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