Imagine #7

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Imagine #7

~Justin POV~

I walked with my normal group of friends down the hallway, I got winks and kissy faces from girls and annoyed and eye rolls from guys. I can't help that I'm hot. It's just a factor I will always have. Don't judge me, my parents just decided to not wear a condom so as a result they got me. A sexy mother fucker.

".....So then Ryan said 'I'll do whatever I want.." I wasn't paying much attention to my doofuses I call my best friends because one girl had my attention. This one blonde haired girl talking with Mrs. Good a math teacher that hates me because I'm always late for her class. Oh well she'll build he stupid bridge and get over it. 

"Ry man look. Who's that?"
"Oh that's Karmen. She's new."
"No crap. I haven't seen her around so-"
"Or seen her in your bed."
"Shut up. I don't screw every girl."
"No because he's already screwed every girl."
"Shut up! I have not!"
"What about Caily?"
"Oh and Amanda!"
"Oh I remember her! What happened with that train wreck?"
"I was drunk. Okay? She's still asking if we can meet up and do it again. I keep telling her that I was drunk but she never seems to listen." I sighed. The down sides of being me.

"Can you move? Your blocking my locker." The girl I was just staring at was talking to me. Ryan and Chaz stood behind her making kissy faces and acting like lovesick puppies. I swear I need new friends.

"Hello? Earth to jock? Can you move?" She asked with a little more attitude.

"I could yes. But will I? Nope."
"Well I've got things to do and people to see. I'm pretty sure you do to."
"Nahh.. They can wait. I'm busy right now."
"Doing what?"
"Annoying you."
"Well mission accomplished. Now move."
"I'm rather happy here."
"I can see that. But go be happy somewhere else. Your stupid face is burning my eyes."
"Excuse me?"
"Yes a girl insulted you pretty boy. Now get your fat ass out of my way." She shoved me to the side and opened her locker. Geesh girl change your tampon.

"Do you have a life?"
"I obviously do or else I wouldn't be here."
"Go. Away. Can't you just go?"
"No. I like you. I want to stay here."
"Oh well. I dont like you."
"Guess your outta luck aren't ya?"
"Guess I am. Your here."
"What do you hate about me soo bad?"
"First of all your attitude, the way you think your better than everyone else, your annoying, and people talk. Justin am I right?"
"Bieber. Justin Bieber. Yes."
"People talk. You are known as to me a manwhore."
"A what?"
"You know whores sleep with a bunch a of guys?"
"Well a manwhore is the man version of a whore. So bye bye."
"You really believe what these people say about me?"
"You have a lot of fans."
"Well duh! Have you seen me?"
"I'm looking at you right now."
"Really? Just one chance. I can sit with you at lunch. Maybe get to know each other?"
"I don-"
"Please? One chance?"
"Fine. If I hate you then you have  to leave me alone."
"Deal." I smirked. 

"So what have people told you about me?" I sat down at my usual table. She seemed really uncomfortable. Oh well.

"You've slept with at least 99% of the girls here."
"Nope. I usually make out then leave."
"How many girls have you actually had sex with?"
"Maybe.. 3 tops."
"My lips are manwhores but my manhood isn't. Another rumor?"
"You took at least half the girls virginity's here."
"As I just said I only slept with 3 girls."
"Well you asked for another rumor."
"Give me another one."
"You have herpes."
"I've been tested and I do not."
"You tested to see if you have herpes?"
"Yea. My mom said if I'm going to be the person I am I have to be tested after I dump each girl. So I'm tested often. Give me another rumor."
"You have at least 5 STDs."
"I've been tested for those to. And I'm am clean. No herpes, STDs, nothing. I'm completely clean."
"That's surprises me."
"I know right? I'm surprised I don't have anything yet."
"That's all pretty much. I mean there all the same bascially."
"So do you at least like me?"
"I don't know yet. I'm still deciding."
"Well tell me about you."
"What do you want to know?"
"Your name?"
"Karmen Miller, I'm 17 and I'm obviously new."
"Your really basic. I like that. Most girls would be all like.. 'Well then my mom started acting like a bitch because she wouldn't give me a condom because I wanted to fuck a 10 year old.'" He said in a really high pitched voice. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yea. One of these girls actually told me that. The 10 year old was her freaking brother!"
"What the hell? I hope she knows that's called an incest relationship and she can go to jail for it."
"You know Stacy?"
"That fake bitch that's giving me a death sentence in her eyes right now?"
"Yea that whore. It was her that fucked her brother."
"What?! Is she that desperate?"
"Yea. I caught her in the janitors closet fingering herself."
"Don't have to tell me twice." We ended up talking until the 1 minute bell, that meant we had 1 minute to get to class. But we didn't class. She even let me hold her hand and walk her to class. Luckily we had the same class. Mrs. Ymemb, history. 

"Mr. Bieber? Ms.Miller? You realize you are late right?"
"I know Mrs. Ymemb, it's because we got so caught up talking at lunch we lost track, I promise it won't happen again." I liked Mrs. Ymemb because she was nice to me. She is also like 25. Only 7 years apart. 

"Okay. Just don't let it happen again."
"I won't. Come on Kar." I smiled and walked to my desk. Stacy... Great.

"Stacy move your fake ass."
"Make me."
"I will. Now move."
"So Kar can sit down. I don't want to sit by you."
"You know Justin-"
"No! I don't want to sit by her! I want to sit by Kar!" My voice boomed over the class room. I hated making a scene but I also hated sitting by Stacy. She's always touching me and I don't like it.

"Mr. Bieber what is wrong?"
"Can you please make Stacy move? I don't want to sit  by her. She's always touching me and I don't like it!"
"Ms. Hollister, I need you to come here for a second, as you Mr. Bieber." I nodded and walked over. Kar was just standing there.

"Ms. Miller can you join us?" She nodded and stood by me, clenching my arm for support. I pulled her closer by holding her waist by my side.

"Now Mr. Bieber explain what happens."
"Well I'm always doing my work, but she's always touching me in places I don't like. Like she's grabs my thigh and I don't like it."
"Ms. Hollister, I hope you know this is sexual harassment. I'm sending you to the office. Okay?"
"Mrs. Ymemb, can I talk to Kar in the hallway?"
"Of course. Just hurry." 

"I will." I took Kar in the hallway and just smashed my lips against hers. BOOM BOOM BOOM!!! Those were the fireworks I was feeling. I pulled her legs to my waist but she stopped me..

"What are you doing?"
"I want you. Kar I just met you, but this is crazy but here's my lips." I smiled using words from 'Call Me Maybe'. 

"I like you... A lot more than I should."
"I like you to."
"Yea.. You only live once so what the hell?" She said. I guess YOLO!!!


Hey guys! I know this is more of a chapter I guess I just got some ideas,., I'm juts that good at writing chapters I guess. Lol.

~Alexis Bieberr~

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