Imagine #8- Part 1

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Imagine #8- Part 1

"But MOM!!!! It's Justin Bieber we are talking about! He's like the devils son!"
"Mariana! Stop that, Justin is a nice boy. Now be nice and set the table."
"Nice boy my ass."
"What was that?"
"Nothing mom. Just don't worry..." I said as I walked over to the silverware drawer and got out all the utensils I needed to set the table, I had it all the set the table within 5 minutes. After I was finished I went to my room and listened to 'Starstruck' by Christopher Wilde, or Sterling Knight. Same person.

"Mariana! Justin and Pattie are here! Come down here!" My mom yelled from downstairs, I groaned and walked like a zombie downstairs. I was wearing white short shorts that had been ripped and frayed from being worn to much, a black tank top that fitted my figure that had the words, 'I ONLY DATE CELEBRITIES' written across in neon colors, with cream sandals that went around my ankle. I went down the stairs and saw Pattie (I like Pattie, she's nice unlike her 'son', I don't believe Justin is Pattie's son because Pattie is nice and Justin... Well no word has been invented for him) and Justin. He was wearing, low slung black skinny jeans, black Supras, and a white V neck that wasn't to tight nor to loose, and a black leather jacket with his brown hait in his quiff.
"Stop checking me out. It's creepy." Justin said sounding really cocky.

"If I was checking you out then pigs would be flying." I smiled back. All he did was roll his stupid eyes. We all went to the table and of course I had to sit by Justin, but if I objected it would be 'rude'. Please all Justin is, is rude.

"Hello? Mari? You there?"
"You kept staring at that cup and it was really creeping me out."
"Good. I did my job right then." Pattie and my mom were in a deep convorsation while me and Justin were just looking at random things around my house. He was staring at a baby picture of me, and I was looking at my finger nails.

"So Justin how has life been?" I asked.. I had to talk to him and be nice or else I would get a 2 hour lecture after he would leave.
"Why do you care?"
"We both know we have to be nice to each other. Really I don't care but I have to be nice."
"Right.. You have to. You sure you not crushing on me?"
"I would even think about liking you if it would save my life." Now that I say that.. What if me and Justin were together...?
"You are now."
"No I'm not!"
"Whenever someone says something to you, you start thinking about it deeply. Everyone knows that Mariana."
"Whatever pretty boy."
"My name is not pretty boy. It's the man you are crushing on."
"I'm not crushing on you. Your the last person I would ever even like."
"So you would chose Max over me?" Max was a kid at our school that always run through people and smells realy bad. One time he hit me in the boob.

"So I'm not the last person you would crush on?"
"I don't want to crush on you."
"So you do like me? You just don't want to admit it?"
"I never said that."
"You implied it."

"No I didn't I said I didn't want to like you. That's not saying I like you I just don't want to admit it."
"Yes it it."
"NO! Jesus! I don't like you! Get that through you thick skull!" I yelled, then stomped up the stairs. I heard my mom yell for me to come down and apologize to Justin but I refused. He didn't deserve to have an aplology from me. He had to say sorry to me. Then after 7 minutes I heard a knock.

"Come in." Then Justin came into view. Great.

"Go away. I don't like you."
"I don't care. I'm not leaving until I'm done."
"Where are my ear phones?" We both saw it, but he got them before I could.
"You are not ignoring me. I have something to say and it includes something personal, so suck it up and park your butt on that bed until I'm done." He pointed to my bed, but I knew I couldn't do anything so I sat down and he sat next to me.

"Okay.. I know you hate me, but what you said at dinner made you sound like you liked me, and I need to do something. You can't deny anything and what I say goes. And no I'm not taking your virginity or anything. I just need to know something, so if I do something you have to respond. Okay?"
"Depends on what it is."

"I'm not goona do anything bad. I just need to do something with you to feel something. I need you to sit on my lap.. Like this." He directed me to sit on him, basically straddling him, he set his hands on my thighs and moved my hands to around his neck.

"I know you may not be comfortable.. I need to feel something."
"What do you need to feel?"
"That spark feeling.. Are you feeling it? That tingly feeling you get?"

"I can't tell.."
"You know when your nervous? And you get that butterfly feeling in your stomach?"
"That feeling. When you touch me.. Do you get those butterflies?"
"Do you feel it?"
"Yea.. I feel it.. So you must feel it. Please tell me you feel it."
"I feel it."
"Okay only one way to find out.. I'm going to kiss you. You need to respond right away. I need to know something."
"What do you need to know?"
"If I feel the sparks I'll tell you. Now let's continue.." No need to make this awkward dip thong. Yes we leaned in. Yes I kissed him. Yes I felt the sparks. We pulled away just staring.. Looking at our faces.."
"I felt it. I felt the sparks." He finally said.

"I did to. Now what did you need to know?"
"I needed to know if you were my other half."
"According to Geek mythology each human was formed with 4 arms, 4 legs, a head with 2 faces, fearing their power Zeus split them into 2 separating the beings, condemning them to spend the entire lives in search of their other half. That's why I needed to kiss you. I needed to know if you weremy other half. They say that you both fit perfectly in each other. Can you hold my hand?" We laced all our fingers together on both hands, perfect fit.

"You fit in my hand, my lap, my lips. I need to hug you, put your head in my neck and lace our egs together. Okay?"
"Sure.. Whatever." We did all those and we both fit in each other.

"Your.. Your my other half." Justin seemed shocked being just 10 minuites ago were couldn't stand the sight of each other.

"Yea.. Guess so.. What do we do now?"
"Date. We need to be boyfriend and girlfriend."
"Really? Okay Justin we both know you can't keep a relationship for more than 2 weeks let alone forever."
"Yea but your my other half. I can stay with you. Just wait Mari, just give me one chamce. Just see a month from now.. If I can't keep one month you can leave me. One chance."
"Fine whatever."
"Thank you Mari-"
"What is she talking about?"
"I said I was going to the bathroom... I've been here for 15 minutes. You have my number right?"
"Bye Mariana! I'll pick you up tomorrow for school. I'll be here around 6:50 am okay?"
"Text you when I get home.. Answer please."
"I've got nothing else better to do."
"Okay bye Mari!" He jumped out the door, and left. My phone started playing Avril Lavigne 'Here's To Never Growing Up' and saw I had a text.

From: Slutena

You better stay away from Justin you nasty sliut. He loves me not you, remember that.


To: Slutena

That's not what he just said sweetheart. I'm his other half. Just stay in your own stupid buisness.

To be continued.....


Yes.. This is a more than 1 part imagine. If I typed anymore it would be a chapter. I may have part 2 up tonight I just don't really know..

~Alexis Bieberr~

Justin Bieber ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant