Imagine #12

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Imagine #12

You knew she didn't have much time left. It's been a while since you had last seen her. With your best friend, Justin, clung by your side you felt a little better. But you knew if you didn't see her today, you wouldn't ever see her again.

"I'm scared."
"Don't be. I'm sure she would like you to see her before she.. You know." And you knew. Knew pretty well that your baby sister was going to die. Well she wasn't a 'baby' she was 14 years old but you were 20 as well as your best friend. She was your best friend when Justin couldn't be there. 

"I don't wanna. Can we-"
"Y/N she's your sister. I understand you not wanting to but I'm sure she wants you to be the last person she sees. She loves you, please?" He pleaded with the puppy eyes he has, he knew darn well that those worked every time. And they did. You sighed and twisted the door knob opening the door,seeing your baby sister hooked up to probably every machine known to man. Your baby sister had cervical cancer and you knew she wasn't going to last longer. She was pale and had brittle bones that seemed to stick out more every visit. Justin walked in like nothing was wrong but he was upset to. He's been there for you since pre school. Everyone seemed shocked that you guys had kept the relationship going after 14/ 15 years. Your sister couldn't talk due to the oxygen machines in her mouth, but she had a whiteboard she used to speak. 

"Hey Sarah." She smiled and started writing on her whiteboard.

"'Hello, Y/N and Justin."' You smiled, then you heard a loud beeping noise and you knew it was time. You lost your sight when tears started to form and you ran to Justin's side as he comforted you as the doctors tried to save Sarah but you knew they couldn't. Nothing could be done. Soon the beeping stopped as well as the movement on your sister's stomach and you knew she had died. Justin had tears in his eyes as well but he was trying to block them out because he was trying to make you feel better. Later you and Justin left with red eyes and a dead sister.


Sad I know. But that's what came to mind. #dontjudge Read @missionhayniac 's new story called 'Our Storyline' Byee

~Alexis Bieberr~

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