Imagine #16

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Imagine #16

"Push Y/N!!" The doctor screamed at you while you were trying to push, your husbands baby out.

"Come on. Y/N one more big push. I can see his head now!" Justin, your husband who you had married young exclaimed while he seemed so excited to meet his brand new child. Again you pushed. Then you heard his cry. His melodic cry that every mother says.

"It's a boy!" The doctor said while they showed you your child. After they had cleaned him off they handed you and Justin your son.

"He looks like you Justin." You said while Justin examined the young child, mesmerized by his looks that looked identical to his own when he was born.

"He's a little Justin! Mom check this out!" He yelled while his mother walked in with his father. Along with Jazmyn, Jaxon who were to young to even know how a child was formed let alone how they were brought into this world. They were just excited their big brother finally had a child.

"Awe Y/N he had your lips." Pattie cooed. That's all you had gotten all day. 'Awe look he looks like this' and stuff. Once you and Justin finally got some time to yourselves, you sat and admired your child like every other couple out there does.

"What should we name him?" Justin asked while he was carefully changing your guys' child's diaper.

"Hmm.. I don't know. What names do you like?"

"I like Jason. I mean he looks like a Jason." It was true. Every time you looked at your son you saw a Jason.

"Jason Bruce Bieber." You tried out.

"Bruce? Like my grandpa Bruce?"

"Yeah. Don't you like it?"

"I do. Hello Jason." Justin smiled hike bringing his newborn child to his face. Jason held many qualities of Justin within him. He was just to young to know it.


I know. It's been forever. Don't hate me. Please. I've been working on another story I'm starting in a few months. Plus I'm marching in a parade tomorrow. And believe it or not... I'll tell ya a secret... I have a life! I know right! It's amazing isn't it?! Haha hope I liked it:)

~Alexis Bieberr~😘💋💋

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