Imagine #4

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Imagine #4

As I walked into the schools of Ridgeway High School I noticed everyone was staring at me.. Yes I was dating Justin Bieber the most popular boy in school.. Yes we've been dating since 9th grade but no need to stare. I hate it when people do that.
"Hey Sel." My sweet boyfriend of now 3 years greeted me, with roses.
"Awee Jay.. I thought you weren't giving me anything. That was the deal."
"Yea well I lied. I couldn't just not give the Person of 3 years nothing for our 3 year anniversary. That'd be plain rude."
"Now I feel bad cause I didn't give you anything.."
"You've given now the best 3 years of my live princess. Now may I escort you to your first hour malady?"
"Of course sweetie." I smiled and he picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride to our first hour.
"Thank you Mr. Bieber how may I ver repay you?"
"I think a kiss on the lips will do me just fine." He smiled. Yes he wasn't scared to show his affection for me in front of his friends.
"I think that works." I kissed his lips and we walked to our desks. Luckily this teacher doesn't give a damn where we sit. So me and Justin always sit in the very back. No one them pays attention to our little love fest that happens back here. Everyone usually sits in the front so they an piss off this teacher but we like to sit back, relax, and watch the show all while loving each other.
"I love you Selena."
"I love you more Justin."
"Impossible. Nothing can love someone more than I love you right now.. But I've gotta surprise for you at lunch."
"Really baby. Just wait and see."

I was at lunch eating a salad while waiting for Justin. My friends Miley and Demi were with me to. Soon we hear a loud guitar pitch.
"What the hell?!" Miley said while searching around the room to find who caused the loud noise.
"Selena? Selena Gomez? Are you in here?" Then I knew.. That was my baby boy. I saw him with his acoustic guitar while Chaz was putting away an electric one the one that obviously caused the loud noise.
"I see you now.. And I wrote a song about you.. It's about us and our relationship over the past 3 years of our lives.. It's called 'Nothing Like Us'." While he sang it it sounded like a depressing song.. Like 'Have you been drinking to take all the pain away?' Yes I used to drink and party a lot last year because my parents divorced and my mom met guys named Brian. Now I have a baby sister named Gracie.
"Selena I said to you in first hour that I had a surprise for you at lunch.. And I do. Come here." He reached his hand out for my to grab so I was standing on the table with him.
"Selena over these past 3 years I've gotta say we've had our troubles and issues but that's Jelena our school like to call it.. I wanna make this short and to the point.. Selena Marie Gomez.. Will you marry me?" I couldn't say anything. He was down on his knee in front of the staff and student body and just asked me to marry him.
"Is that a no?" He looked so sad..
"No.. Justin.. Yes. Yes I'll marry you." His eyes brightened as he jumped up and spun me around. Then slid the ring on my finger kissing me with as much feeling as he could.
"I love you Sel."
"I love you to Jay."

Awee a Jelena imagine. I love Jelena. #JELENAFOREVSBITCHES lol hope u liked it!

~Alexis Bieberr~😘💋💋

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