Imagine #8- Part 2

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Imagine #8- Part 2

I woke up and did my usual routine, shower, hair, make up, clothes. I woke white carpis, with a floral flowy shirt. I matched it with white flip flops. I straightened my hair and went down the stairs to eat butter and toast. After that I brushed my teeth, I grabbed my backpack, gum, breath mints, phone, headphones and charger. Just in case my battery dies. It was about 6:45 am when I finished getting ready. I had 5 minutes until Justin showed up. When I turned on my phone I saw I had a text from Justin that he sent just a minute ago,

From: Justin

Hey Mari! I'm leaving right now and should be there around 6:50. Make sure your ready because I have something for you my princess. Yes we are dating now so don't question me.. I'll ask you in a better way soon.

I smiled. He got something for me. I heard the door bell ring and I hopped up and saw Justin. With a rose in hand, smiling.

"I got this for you. Because you are my rose. My very red rose." I blushed and took the rose from his hand smelling it. Sweet and fresh.

"Do you like it?" He asked taking my hand lacing it into his, like yesterday it fit perfectly in mine. 

"Yea, I kinda feel bad because I didn't get you anything.."
"I didn't want you to. So there is a part two of this.. But there is also a part three. But part three id for lunch. I got you something else, and you need to wear it at all times when you are with me."
"What is it?"
"A varsity jacket that on that back says 'BIEBER' to show people you belong with me, I don't want people messing with you. And don't worry I made sure it's in your size. But I don't like sharing what's mine."
"Did you do this with Selena?"
"No. There was no way on getting her away from other boys just to get me jealous so she would get angry sex."
"I'm not a virgin. Selena liked it when I got all kinky with her."
"Would you.."
"I didn't rape her babe. She just liked it when I went hard on her, that's just the way it was. I won't ever do anything to you to hurt you. If you like soft and gentile I'll be soft and gentile. If you want to wait, that's also fine. I will wait a million years if you want, I don't ever want to hurt you or make you feel out of place in anyway. I hope you know I will want you to meet my friends but I'll make sure to make it as comfortable as possible."
"We are going to be late Justin. We better be going."
"Okay. When we get out you are putting on that jacket, I don't mean to be so protective, but that's just me. Plus I couldn't be protective with Selena because she would always cheat on me, and I just plainly realized she didn't love me. She loved my sex and my money." He said as we drove down the road. He was broken from a break up with a slut.. Poor Jay. We arrived at school and Justin rushed to my side and opened the door for me.

"You know I can open the door right?"
"Yea. But I love doing that for my girls. Selena expected it from me and you don't. Even when me and Selena started dating she just expected it. But you didn't and I like that, I like that you don't want me to but you know I will anyways."
"But thank you, for openeing my door."
"No prolem. Wait! Let me put the jacket on you!" I swear this boy will be the death of me. He grabbed the jacket and slipped it on my arms. 

"There. Now nobody will mess with you."
"Hey.. Justin?"
"You know when you and Selena would break up and you would just hang out with other girls?"
"Would Selena send them like.. Texts saying stuff like 'stay away' and stuff?"
"They would mention it. Why do you ask?"
"Uh nothing. It's not important."
"Oh come on! Just tell me!"
"When you left yesterday, Selena texted me saying stuff like, 'stay away' 'he's mine.'."
"Did you reply?"
"What did you say?"
"Basically to mind her own buisness and leave me alone."
"Look if she does this again, tell me right away okay?"
"Don't be scared of her. She's nothing but a piece of gum on your shoe."
"But that means I have to touch her to get her off me. And God only knows where she's been." I said as he burst out laughing. Our hands were laced together as we walked to my class. We only had maybe.. 4 classes together.  Which for him, and I quote 'sucks monkey balls'.

"Justin for Gods sake shut up. Okay? We have 2nd hour together."
"So.. I don't like the fact you going in class and I'm not there to protect you."
"I'm going to be fine. Just like I am every day."
"Everyday something new happens. What if a random bomber came in and hurt you? I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt."
"Okay Romeo, class is about to start so get your butt to class before your teacher guts you."
"Whatever Juliet. I'll be here when you get out so we can go together."
"Bye Justin."
"See ya Mariana." 


"Okay Mari, for your surprise I need you to sit right here." It was lunch time and Justin had a surprise for me, as he said this morning. 

"HEY EVERYBODY! I NEED YOUR ATTENTION!" Justin's voice boomed over the large cafeteria. Soon everyone was looking over at me and him.

"As you know.. Me and Selena are over and I now have a new girlfriend. Her name is Mariana Foster (I've gotta thing with the Fosters right now. #dontjudge) and all of you know I have an issue on sharing what's mine. But.. I trust all you playing assholes you'll leave her alone because if I catch you even talking to her I'll whoop your ass. I have something I wanna give Mari." He pulle dout a box from his pocket, it's too big for a ring so don't get your hopes up.

"Open it Mari." He told me with a twinkle in his eye. I did as I was told and it was a golden heart shaped locket.

"Justin.. What's this?"
"I thought I was Romeo.." He joked quoting me from this morning. 

"No  really."
"It's a necklace. I was roaming around the mall last night because I had to get my mom something for her birthday, I saw this and you came to mind."
"It's really beautiful."
"I know, that's why I thought of you."
"How original."
"I thought so. Here let me put it on." I turned around and he slipped it on over my warm neck, by the way his hands were freaking COLD!

"There. Now it's official your all mine."
"In your eyes it's always been official."


There. All done. Sorry for the whole leaving you hanging thing, but if I typed it any longer it would be as long as my chapters. So at least it's here!! And yes I'm completely obsessed with 'The Fosters' right now. As I am addicted to 'Pretty Little Liars' so don't judge.

~Alexis Bieberr~

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