Imagine #6

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Imagine #6

As I walked down the halls of this crap hole they make us go to for 12 years, everything seemed the same, same old hallways, same old crusty pizza smell, same old faces, same old everything. Except one. A new kid! Nobody's been new for years! He was wearing tan pants that stayed secure around his waist with a black belt, and a blue button up shirt. His big thick glasses sat on his face as he looked around and saw new things. All this to me was old.. Wonder what his name was. He had brown hazel hair, and from what I could see his eyes were brown to. 

"Hi!" I jumped towards him. He jumped along with me but he dropped everything that was in his hands.

"Oh my gosh! I am soo sorry!" I helped him pick up his books and noticed a name on a notebook. 'Justin Bieber'

"Is your name Justin?"
"Yea." He mumbled. Okay he's either really shy or really rude.

"Are you okay?"
"Yea.. Just fine. I just need to find my locker. I'm new."
"I know. I haven't seen your face, and everything around here is stinky, old, and boring."
"Your not stinky, old nor boring." He mumbled again. Yea he's really shy.

"Here whats your locker number?"
"Uhh.. 290."
"Oh my gosh! We are locker neighbors! Come on!" I dragged him to his locker that was right next to mine. Thank God something new. We got there and he was holding his arm.

"Did I hurt you?"
"No. You just pull really hard. Are you some super human or something?"
"No. Just a dancer."
"That explains a lot."
"So your combination is 45- 16- 9." I opened it for him and he mumbled (again!) a 'thank you'.

"Do you mumble a lot?"
"Only when I'm nervous."
"Why are you nervous then?"
"Cause I'm new and a pretty girl keeps talking to me." He mumbled louder than he other comments.

"You have no reason to be nervous. Everything here is boring and old.. Wait.. Did you just call me pretty?"
"Mhm." He said quietly, trying to not make it obvious that his cheeks were turning red. 

"Are you blushing?"
"No.." He said looking away from our eye contact. Is he really this nervous?
"Stop being so nervous! No one here is interesting! Really everything here is boring so you can calm down."
"It's hard when you've gotta pretty dancer talking to you and telling you everything's gonna be okay and she keeps saying that nothing here is interesting when she's the most interesting person I know." 

"That's the most that's come out of your mouth! And you think I'm pretty and interesting?"
"C'mon! We have first hour together, and it's math so brace yourself."
"I'm good at math."
"Really? I'm horrible."
"That's what everyone says. But I can tutor you if your THAT bad."
"No problem. Can we go to class now? I hate being late."
"Of course you do."


Okay. Boring? Yes I know very much it is boring. But that's all I could come up with in a 55 minute period when you finsh a 'Getting Away With Murder' test. At leat I updated! Think it like that! So ya get what cha get and dont throw a fit. 

~Alexis Bieberr~

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