Imagine #15

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Imagine #15

As I walked down the street papz couldn't help but take pictures of me clench to the side of my famous boyfriend, Justin Bieber. I kept my head down and made sure no one got any goofy faces from me or anything that could make me look like a bad person.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Justin said while shooing away the papz that had ruined our day out in the park. I grabbed him arm tighter than before because I always felt safe with him. No matter the situation he had a special something that made him protective.

"JUSTIN!! JUSTIN!" The media shouted while we tried to get through to Justin's range rover he had gotten for his 16th. Justin had opened the door on the drivers side so I had to crawl over to the passenger side. It was safer to do it this way then me walking to the other side without Justin's grasp protecting me. 

"JUSTIN! AVALON! WHEN'S THE BABY DUE?!" I heard one of the monsters yell. I kept my head down in the jacket Justin had lent me while we were in the park when I had gotten chilly. Justin was able to squeeze the car through the monsters people depended on to find out what's going on in our lives. As I kept my head down Justin tried to keep his down while he drove because they were following us to the next place Justin had wanted to go. 

"Justin?" I whispered being he must be in a bad mood.

"Yes Avalon?" He said while paying attention to the road in front of him. He was frustrated.

"Never mind. It's not all important." I shrugged. Justin hated it when I did that when he really knew there was something.

"Ava don't lie to me. I know something is wrong. Just tell me."

"I'll tell you when we get back."

"You better." No Justin was not usually like this. He's just tired of the media following us around all the time. That's how it goes. Once we arrived back at his mothers house where we were staying while Justin had time off from his tour. We both knew we had to hurry so while we were walking up Justin fumbled around his keys trying to find the one that his mother had given him. He finally found it while I had connected back to my spot on Justin where I hold onto him and his arm goes around me protecting me from any harm. He finally opened the door and saw no one was home. We shrugged as I went to the kitchen to make something for Justin and I. I made him a turkey sandwich while I hating most meats made myself a butter and peanut butter sandwich that had Nacho Cheese Doritos in the middle. 

"Thank you Ava." Justin said while pulling me to his lap where I often sat. I smiled and took a bite.

"So what did you want to tell me in the car?" He asked while taking a bite out of his sandwich. 

"It's really not that important." I looked away as the tears started to form but I had to hold them back. 

"It must be. You don't cry for just the weather is horrible. You only cry when it hits where it hurts. Now tell me what's wrong or what happened." I was only 17 and Justin was already 18. 

"My dad." Justin instantly propped his ears up. He knew how my dad felt about our relationship. My dad hated it. He hated the fact of my being with someone so popular and capable of so many things. 

"What did he say?" Justin asked being calm. Or trying to stay calm. Let's just say my dad and Justin don't get along. Whenever Justin was over he always rubbed it in my dads face that we were together and he couldn't do a thing about it because my mom loved him. 

"He said.. If I don't end it with you.. He'll divorce my mom and disown me. Justin I don't want that to happen." I cried. 

"Shh.. Your gonna be okay. He maybe just faking it. Call his bluff."

"I did. But then he said not to. Because he meant it. My dad wouldn'd joke about this. Justin I'm scared."

"You don't need to be. I'm going to make sure your going to be okay. Nothing will go wrong. Yes I'll admit I screwed up your life but I promise you this, I'm going to make sure every moment you spend with me will be the best. I'm going to be the best you've ever had and I know you'll be oh so glad. I'm going to marry you then we are going to have little Bieber babies running around. Our little girls will have your bright golden blonde hair and I'll love it. Our little boys will have my sports love and that's really all I can promse you. I can only promise you forever,"


Forever. Does. Exist. Lol sorry, I deeply believe in forever and love. You can't judge. Have to go. Got things to do and people to see.

~Alexis Bieberr~

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