Imagine #5

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Imagine #5

In the many times I had moved in my life I never knew this school would attract my attention the most. You can thank Justin Bieber for that.

"Watch out little bitch." IT spat. Yes I call Justin Bieber, IT. Because he is nowhere near being a human, I haven't quite figured out what species he is yet.. But I've got a feeling its a cross between, ASSHOLE, or DICK. Not that he has a dick.. *evil smirk*

"Sorry.. Geesh man get off your peroid," I was new at Callendale High School. I met Justin Bieber this morning when he tried hitting on me because I wore white ripped skinny jeans, a tight pink tank top, (no to tight. I'm not a slut. I'm still a virgin) and cream sandals. with my blonde hair curled, I dyed the ends an aqua blue cause my hair was blonde so it worked.

"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Change your tampon or something dude. And watch your mouth. Bitches are girls that don't reject you." I said confidently.  I've heard around school already how people never talked back to him because he knew everything about you. Well he doesn't know sit about me. I'm new little asshole.

"Why don't you change your attitude? You have-"
"No idea who you are. Please I can tell just by the way your talking to me."
"Can you? Okay, tell me about myself."
"Your cocky, arrogant, don't like being told no, no way is the right way unless its yours in your mind, you've probably slept with all the girls here but only took maybe 50% of their virginity's because all you girls dress like whores, your used to having everything you want when you want it, stuck up, you think your all that, you skateboard, I can see your helmet hair. Your broken, you have the loss of a family member, I can see the pain in your eyes, but you have a wall built because you hate having people in your business, you don't trust people easily because of mostly you lost someone or a huge break up, people don't see the pain in your eyes cause they don't bother looking for it, people think your perfect so they don't bother asking if your okay. Another reason people don't see your pain because you don't let them see your pain, you like looking like a complete bad ass who is hard core and cold. But I can see it because your eyes aren't black. They're a hazel brown, so that means you have a sweet side. A sensitive side which nobody knows about cause to everyone you play girls and hate having people know you have just some sensitivity because then they'll walk all over you because you cant stand seeing someone in the pain your in. That's who you are. A broken bad ass." I said. He couldn't even talk because he knew I was right. I started to walk away when I felt a male hand on my upper arm.

"How did you know all that."
"I saw past the wall you built, I saw the pain."
"But how?"
"Just something I can do. What do you want?"
"I like that. I wanna know more."
"I want you to tell me more about yourself. That was hot."
"Hitting on me?"
"I maybe broken but that doesn't mean I cant like a girl?"
"You don't even know my name."
"Yea I do. Its Jordan Hancock."
"How do you know my name?"
"I have my ways.."
"Asked the office lady didn't you?
"Okay that is creepy. How did you know that?"
"I saw you walk in and point at me. I'm not stupid Justin."
"How did you find out my name?"
"Hmm.. Maybe its the girls saying 'Oh my gosh there's Justin Bieber. Hes so sexy.' 'I wish I could fuck him again.' 'Fuck how is someone so hot?' Plus on the back of your jacket it says 'BIEBER' and when we met in the parking lot you said 'Hey baby my names Justin. Wanna meet up tonight? My house?'"

"Oh.. Guess you put two and two together.

"Look I really like talking to you but why in the hell are those sluts giving me a death glare."
"Cause I'm talking to you. They just want me. Like every.. Other.. Girl.. In.. This.. Stupid.. School.." He sighed between each word..

"Bored of the same girls?"
"Hell fucking yes. Been there done that.. Seen that did that.. We haven't had a new girl since young 5's."
"I feel special."
"You should. Justin Bieber's crushing on the new girl."
"Crushing? isn't it to early for that?"
"Love at first sight?"
"How about I take you out tonight?"
"Like a date?"
"Yes a date. Geesh.. Its like you've never been on one."
"What?! C'mon a pretty girl like you has had to have been asked out plenty of times!"
"Asked out? Yes. Actually accepted? Nope."
"Why not?"
"They were all players, asshole's.. You know.. Your cover."
"Well I'm sorry for that. I'm honored to be your first date."
"Whoever said I said yes?"
"Me. C'mon lets skip. I'll take you out to lunch and we can go to the park."
"Sounds like fun."
"It will be. Come with me to my locker, I need to show you something."
"Uhh okay?" We walked together to his locker, wit our hands laced together, it didn't feel weird either, they seemed to fit perfectly. Like they were meant for each other.

"Okay I'm the only person that has seen this, but since you seem to care on how I feel and my past.. I'm not really able to tell you but I am able to let you read about it. This is my personal journal and no one as ever seen it. I'm allowing you to read it."
"Why cant you just tell me?"
"Cause if I do I'll end up crying and blubbering like a baby and I don't like it when people see me cry so. I want you to read it and give it back to me when your finished."
"Wen was the last time you wrote in this?"
"An hour ago. I wrote about you. But start from the beginning. You have to read everything. Okay? Promise you'll read from start to end?"
"I promise." 

"Now we can go on our date." I just smiled. 

"Is it just me or do our hands fit perfectly?"
"Its me to. I like it."
"Me to."


Awee broken bad ass. I think its cute! Lol I know I updated this last night but hey I was bored and had an idea.. ;)

~Alexis Bieberr~

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