Imagine #17

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Imagine #17 - Rated R. Rough sexual content. 14+ only.

I was running. And fast. I felt like an Olymipic runner going for the gold. I had to run. So I could get away from him. I was in a forest I was not familar with.

"Come back here!" He yelled while getting hot on my trail. I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop. He was going to get me. And I knew it. Before I knew it, he caught me. He was on top of me while both of our chests rapidly went up and down because of how fast we ran.

"What a waste of my time. You should have known I would find you and get you.. What a waste of your time. Now you will be punished." No. The only reason I ran was because I didn't want to be around you! Plus I certainly didn't want to be punished. He dragged me by the hair and to his car where his dog was. Chains laid around his car for when he kidnapped girls. I was one of them. He used to have over 20 girls at his house, but now he's down to 5. Me and 4 others. You may ask what position I am in and how I got here. I was kidnapped over 3 months ago, and the 15 girls were killed by him and other men he works with. My name is, Lily-Ann Lowe, I'm 18 years old and well I hate my life. Yeah, yeah I know you hear that from all 18 year olds but when I say it I mean it. Imagine having someone own you for 3 months just because you went out with a couple of friends as a 17 year old and then woke up the next day in your underwear and having him smirking at you with pure evil and hatred. He was my master. And I had to obey his every word. Even if I did, and I apparently did it wrong, I was punished. But compared to the other girls he has and what they've gone through I've had it easy. We arrive at his home and, again, I was dragged in by my hair up to his room. The other girls seemed shocked at what I did, because no one ran away from Justin. Nobody. He seemed clueless on what to do. He had certain punishements for certain mistakes.

-Didn't do the dishes = Spanking

-Didn't do his laundry = Slapped

-Didn't clean the bathroom (or any room in the house) = Beaten

-Didn't mop the floors = A Night in his jail cell.

(It's a room that's like a cellar. It has a thin cloth, a rough pillow, and it was freezing.)

Yeah you pretty much get the point. But if you ran away, he wasn't familiar with this kind of territory. No one ever ran away from him. Everyone was to scared of him.

"Ugh! You stupid bitch! You had to run! This is fucking frustrating what am-" That's when he stopped himself. He came up with something. He smirked evilly and looked at me.

"Lay down. Ass in the air." No. He was going to rape me. He never once have ever believed in raping a women. He never touched us in anyway he didn't believe in.

"No.. You don't do this. Your not like him. Master you don't want to do this."

"Yes I do. You disobeyed me. Ass in the air." He started to unbuckle his belt, and rip his shirt off.

"Please.. Don't. You don't want to. Your just upset please Master."

"TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES AND ASS IN THE AIR! I WILL NOT REPEAT MYSELF!" He screamed at my face. That's what pissed him off. He got even more angry, he came over then ripped off my shirt, tore down my pants. He then shoved me onto the bed gripping himself on me while trying to pleasure his needs. Master tore off my panties and left my bra on.

"This is was you fucking get for disobeying me. I won't stop until you won't be able to walk." He seethed through his teeth. He then slammed his member into me, I happened to have been a virgin. So it hurt. Like a bitch. He continued his fast pace while I gripped to the bed, because of the pain, not the pleasure which I wasn't getting.

"Stop a-acting like y-you aren't enjoying t-this." He moaned. Well we all know heed having a good time.

"Y-Your hurting me." I cried.

"SHUT UP!" He screamed while thrusting in a few more times. Finally. He came.

"Don't you think I'm done with you. Get in the shower." He ordered. I nodded and walked to the bathroom while noticing the blood seeping down my thighs. New blood was covering the dried. I wanted to cry, but of I did he would punish me even more. I saw him walk in and turn on the shower.

"Take a shower. Meet me downstairs in 30 minutes." It wasn't like him to let his girls (and I don't mean that in a protective boyfriend way. I mean it in a Master/ slave way). He must have noticed my shocked face.

"You can't have blood on your legs. That's just gross. I'll have Lisa lay out some clothes for you to wear. Remember 30 minutes." Then he walked out. Oh don't worry, he put on boxers. I highly doubt he would let his you know what dangle around like a kid with cotton candy. Luckily I take only 10 minutes showers. Lisa has brought in Nike shorts and a white tank top with a new pair of underwear and bra. I was done within 20 minutes. I went down the stairs and saw him. Just him.

"Lily, sit." I knew not to disobey him. From what I just experienced I don't rink I'll ever do that again. And don't worry, I felt that pain like a bitch.

"I want to know why you ran away."

"Because." I shrugged.

"Because why?!"

"You kidnapped me! What in the world makes you think any of us want to be here?! You are a sick man! Do you remember what just happened?!"

"I only did that because it was your punishment."

"See that's what I mean. Freaking punishment. We are not kids. And we are not slaves! We are girls and people!"

"People my ass." He snorted.

"You want respect why don't you give it to us?!" That must have pissed him off. Because he shoved me onto the nearby wall.

"Don't. Speak. To. Me. Like. That."

"Watch me."

Sorry didnt know how to end it. I got bored. Plus I needed to update. So here.

~Alexis Bieberr~😘💋💋

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