Sameer, you moron!

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Our staring competition had grown quite intense. Yusuf was bored out of his mind and broke it by snapping his fingers between us causing us to blink simultaneously.
"I hate you" i scoffed. I stuck my tongue out.
"Feelings entirely mutual, sweetheart." He said playfully and flashed a smile at me, revealing his dimples.
I turned to Yusuf. He wore a black shirt which was tucked into his jeans and his hair was slightly brushed, giving him a natural look. Not that I was checking him out or anything. He was just one of my best friends since elementary school and i was concerned about his appearance. Yep. That's definitely why.

"Wait, what!" Sana screamed.
"Oh my gosh! It's just for two months. The house is huge! I'm sure you can accommodate two more" Sameer casually stated.
"Whoa! Two?" I butted in. My eyebrows furrowed and i gave Sameer a death glare. He smiled at me and pinched my nose. Astaghfirullah. He knows it's haram to touch me yet he still does. Wow. Sana needs to manners that boy.
"Umm yea. Sam said I could stay for a while. But if you don't want me to its fine. I'll stay somewhere else." Yusuf said shyly. His hands were in his pockets and he averted his gaze. Like a good muslim boy.
"Oh. Well that's fine I guess. I don't have a problem with you. It's him!" I said pointing up to Sameer's stupid face.
"Hey guys just chill okay. We'll talk later at home." Sana said while shrugging her shoulders.
"But....but.." she pulled my shoulders and dragged me to the school compound. I could hear Sameer's snickering from behind us. God! I really hated him. Boys just piss me off.

~After school~
I didn't even focus in classes today. I spent the entire day thinking about that moron, sameer. Speaking of, he barged in without even considering I wasn't wearing hijab.
I was in the kitchen making tea for San since she couldn't keep awake for long.
After grabbing the nearest hijab around I stormed towards Sam, who was now lying comfortably on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. I cleared my throat to get his attention but being the jerk he was, he ignored me.
I took a cushion and hit him on his face.
"What the hell, Saba?" His expression was priceless. He looked like he was a toddler and i just stole his candy from him.
I couldn't help but laugh. Clutching my stomach from uncontrollable laughter , I fell back on the sofa.
"Your.....face......was...." I managed to say between laughs.
"Oh okay. I see how it is. You wanna play, woman. Let's play. " He said teasingly.
"Sam, no. C'mon I'm sorry. I was just kidding. Please." I said with my hands in the air, pleading.
"No no dear. You asked for it." A huge grin spread on his face as he snatched a cushion and held it towards me.
He rushed towards me and instinctly, I ran away from him. He chased me around the table and through the kitchen and living room. I was headed for the stairs until a skinny arm stopped me.
"Saba. Tea. Now. Please. I'm dying."
"Oh crap sorry San. It's on the counter. Your moron bro came and started chasing me around." I said while looking over my shoulder.

" Yeah yeah whatever. You know you liked it. " He teased.

"Hey Sam. We're supposed to talk about the living arrangements. " sana reminded.

"Oh yeah, that. Yusuf had some trouble with his parents. They told him to stay at my place but I was secretly living at Yusuf room so we're living here temporarily. For two months. Yus will be here later with all our stuff. " He shrugged and leaned on the counter that I had recently cleaned.

"Cool. But you have to know your boundaries. There are rules. And when dad comes, you have to leave. He can't know we live with two men."
Sana said coolly and took a sip of her earl grey tea.

"Yeah. There are some rules okay."
I reminded him.

He passed near me and poked my forehead.

"Not gonna follow them." And with that he went up the stairs to see the extra rooms.

"Hate you." I spat.

"Love you too honey. "

As soon as he left, Sana came and squeezed my hands tightly. She have me that look. It said "Omg tell me everything."

I gestured upstairs at my room and she followed.

"Spill." She said eagerly while devouring her chicken lasagna that we previously made.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said with a guilty face.

"Hmm. Okay." She shrugged and looked away. She knew me too well. Obviously I couldn't keep it in for long and I would eventually tell her.

"Fine. You conniving little girl."
She smirked as she heard me.

"Hey I'm older than you!"

"By a month"

"Anyway. I know how you must be feeling right now. Yusuf is gonna live with us! For two freaking months! Hey remember you're not allowed to do anything haram. And i totally ship y'all but you're still my baby and..."

"Oh lord! Shut up already woman!" I bellowed. Sana sure did love to ramble. Another one of our resemblances. I continued "Well I'll hold up on Yusuf. We don't hang out with him often so I'll get some time to catch up. That's if....Sam doesn't interrupt us." I rolled my eyes at his name.

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