Prep for the "date"

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"Ughh. Why?" I groaned. It was around 8 am and honestly, I didn't want to leave my room. Sana was sitting on the edge of my bed while planning my evening with Yusuf. Although I didn't exactly ask her.
"Done yet?" I asked impatiently.
"Chill." She replied coolly.

At this stage I was bouncing on my bed and Sana was slipping off.
"Would you stop being a child? " she said irritated

"But mom...." I teased and she couldn't help but smile at our little jokes.

"Ok. Here I'm done." A huge grin spread on her face as she handed me the notebook she was scribbling on.

I looked at it for two seconds and then threw it at her. "What kind of handwriting is that? Woman, please."
She scoffed.

"Fine I'll read it to you. Even though you won't listen to me..."
Sana was a very expressive girl. She used her hands to gesture everything as she spoke along with nodding her head to emphasize certain words.
I called these acts "demonstrative movement." Or simply "DM"

"Sorry kiddo. Not today! But I'm really excited. What if I make a fool of myself. Ooh! Maybe you could like... hide somewhere and observe. If I do anything dumb stop me." Okay. Maybe that wasn't the best idea but my thoughts were pretty colourful.

"Hahah. Lemme" she said sarcastically. I scoffed. "You'll be fine. Just be yourself. Besides, it was a friendly suggestion and I'm sure Yus will see the better side of you. You know what. ...actually nope. Don't be yourself you'll scare him away. "
I pushed her shoulder teasingly.

"Okay fine. I'm trusting you on this."
With that said, she came in for a hug and wished me good luck.

"I'll make dua for you." She teased.

"Aww. Too sweet. Really. It's just that I've liked him for such a long time and i can't help but get nervous. "

I suddenly regretted saying that as Sameer strolled in because somebody (cough...Sana. ...cough) left the door open. I gave her a death stare and she shrugged her shoulders in guilt.

"Oooh. Girl talk. Who likes who now?" Sam said in a feminine voice and jumped on my bed.

"Nothing. Get out moron! You're not welcome. And i gotta change for my workout." I threw a pillow at him.

"Fine fine. Be like that. But I'll find out. You know I will. Just didn't think a cold hearted witch like you could actually like someone. " He turned on his heels and left.

I was accustomed to his insults. It was actually the only way we could talk. But whatever.


There was this room furnished with gym equipment. We called it a gym but it was really a spare room in the house. I would usually visit to use the treadmill. It was so quiet since Sana was allergic to exercise and i was the only person who used it but not today! Sameer was on the ab- trainer.

I'm sure he was just trying to make my life hell.

"So, Saba. Who's the poor guy?" He smiled at me devilishly.

"None of your business. Don't you have somewhere to be?" I said between breaths.

"No rest for the wicked, sweetheart. "

"No wonder you're always so tired."

"Hey. C'mon seriously. Who is it?"
For once he actually had a sincere expression. His dark brown eyes stared into mine and it was.....weird.

"You gonna tell me or not?" He said, ruining the moment.

"Never." I spat.

"Well I'll just have to guess. Or I guess I could ask Yusuf since San will never tell me." He said with a threatening voice. I winced when he mentioned Yusuf.

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