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After praying, Sana escorted me back to her room. I got dressed and brushed my long wavy brown hair and put it in a bun. Again, Sana wrapped my scarf perfectly and the gown was completely dried now.

"Wow. Babe you look fantastic. Now all you need is some makeup. "

"No. You know how I feel about makeup. And besides I'm way too dressed up for this." I stopped her from applying concealer to my little army camp of freckles.

"Say no more." She opened the door for me and escorted me downstairs to the living room.

"Thank you, Madam." I feigned a British accent.

"Anytime mistress." She replied in the same tone as I.

We both chuckled at our silliness.
She pointed behind me and ran upstairs grinning like a fool.

I turned around to see Yusuf dressed in a red and black checkered shirt and a black jeans. His shirt was hanging loosely over the waistline of his jeans.

He waved his hand at me and smiled shyly. I returned the gesture and walked towards him in long strides.

"So...what's up?"

"A lot. I've got to tell you everything. But that's why I called you here in the first place. To catch up." He brought his face closer to mine and smiled.
Did he not realize how he was tormenting me like this? I had to admit, it hurt a little that he wasn't affected by us being close like it did to me. But whatever.

"Where do you wanna sit? Patio? Living room? Gallery? "

"You pick. Anywhere is fine. "

"Hmmm" He said rubbing his chin as if he were in deep thought." How about the patio?"


The patio was the most romantic place in this house. It was surrounded by glass and since it was night, the fireflies would come out and light up the entire place. There was also the amazing view of the enormous garden with roses and petunias that Sana and i planted ourselves.

"So how's school?" He started the conversation.

"not so great. Sana is always making us go late because of her sleep routine and Sameer bullies me a lot. I hardly see you though."

"Oh. You know Sam is just teasing you. And besides it seems to me that you both bully each other. I haven't been attending school lately but I've caught up with most of the work with my reading."

"Oh. I see." I didn't dare ask about why he wasn't attending school because I knew it had something to do with his parents. And i didn't want to ruin the night.

" don't mind me living here do you?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Of course not. Stay as long as you like. It's San's house anyway but you're always welcome. It's just Sameer I mind. And i can't say anything because it's his house too."

"Wow. Well I was thinking....maybe I could stay for a bit longer? I already asked Sana. She said it's cool. But what about you?"

"That's awesome! How long?"

"Maybe around six months. I don't know yet." He rubbed the back if his neck.

"Nice! Yusuf you know I love.....your company. You're a great guy and you're really fun to hang out with."

"Thanks. I have something for you." He turned around and handed me a book. The same book he had before. It was an album filled with pictures of us when we were young.

"You like it?" He looked up at me and his pupils were dilating. That's how close we were. I could see right into his eyes.

"I love it. If I could hug you I would. "

He laughed.

"Hey. The day we met was at Sam's birthday party right? I remember because you came the day after which was on my birthday."

"Yep......" He looked puzzled. As if he wanted to say something but he couldn't. "Saba?"

"Can I ask you something? Don't feel bad when I say it but just....just answer me please. "

"Uhh sure I guess."
Bam! Bam! Bam! That was the sound of my heart bearing out of my chest.

"Do you like Sameer? You're always talking about him. It's as if you two are in love. I mean... I know he's had some past feelings about you but he said it's gone. Do him?"

What?! What kind of stupid question is that! I hate the guy!

"Nooooo no no no no no nope never in a million years never, ever , ever. no way" I wavered my hands in the air and made an "X" with them then continued denying it.

He chuckled. "Okay I believe you."
"Next question...." I stopped him.

"Wait! I mean .... wait. It's my turn to ask you a question" He nodded. "Do you like Sana?"


His words wrung in my ears like the school bell. Yes. Yes yes


"You heard me. "


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