Living with hotties.

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Finally! Saturday at last! No more school. I woke up for fajr feeling refreshed as ever. Mainly because Sana slept in her own room.
I quickly got dressed and headed to our prayer room downstairs but as I opened the door I saw something I enjoyed but wished I hadn't seen.
Sameer. Shirtless Sameer. Four pack abs Sameer. Close your mouth, Saba!
He rubbed his eyes as he closed his door behind him. Of all the room why did he choose the one across mine?
I gawked at him. He was
He had a great case of bed hair. His lips were pale because of the cold morning weather and he subconsciously bit his lower lip. He was a skinny guy yet he had abs but not much biceps. They weren't too huge. stop checking him out. What the hell.
"Ew. My morning is ruined." I said feigning a disgusted look.
"Took the words right out of my mouth." He flashed a smile at me and I saw his dark brown eyes stare directly into mine.
Sana came out of her "cave" looking like she spent hours getting dressed but she only spent like five seconds.
She's beautiful, but she doesn't know it.
She seemed confused and pointed at us with two fingers.
"What. ...what am I seeing here?"

Both our eyes widened in shock.
"You've got the wrong idea. I just cane out and-" Sam and i said at the same time.

"I know I know. Just teasing." She cut us off with her laughter.

I was about to speak as Yusuf quietly came out of his room opposite to San's.

"You guys are up already. What's all the commotion about?" He smiled at me. At least he had some decency. He was wearing a thin white t-shirt and a grey pyjama pants that was folded by the ankles.

Sameer put on a shirt and we all prayed fajr in congregation. I listened to Yusuf sweetly reciting the words of the Holy Quran. It was so calming.

After we were finished Sameer went back to sleep but the rest of us stayed awake. It was around 4 am.

I nodded at Sana signifying the Saturday routine. Meaning, she would make the tea and I would prepare breakfast. I rolled up my blue shirt sleeves slightly not revealing my wrists but enough so it wouldn't get dirty and approached Yusuf.

"Yus, what would you like for breakfast? " i said in a sweet tone.

He sat on the chair next to the kitchen counters and smiled at me. "Anything you make is fine."

Sana gave me a look that said "sure as hell. He better take whatever he's getting." I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed.

"Okay well how about french toast? "
"Sounds great"

He waited patiently and we talked a little. I sat next to him and handed him his plate with two pieces of toast and a cup of chamomile tea.

"Thanks. So... Saba, I wanted to ask you something. It's been on my mind a lot lately." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. I thought it was cute.

I urged him to continue. "Well you see-"

"Oh my goshhh. Saba could you go and give Sam his food please. He's probably starving. " sana interrupted him and said with a dramatic voice. What exactly was she trying to do?

I clenched my fists and looked at Yusuf. He nodded signifying that is was okay.


As soon as I left I heard them talking.
What was she doing? Anyway she'll tell me later. Probably some weird plan to set us up. I sighed.

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