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Sana's POV

Oh my gosh! Saba was being too obvious with Yusuf. That girl...
They're such a cute couple. Kawai.
Wait...I zoned out. What's going on?
Yusuf has that weird face on. It's like what Sameer gets when he's nervous. They're a lot alike. Except Yusuf is much better. No lie.
But really. He looks as if...is he blushing? Yusuf Ali is blushing! Wow. This is too much. He's usually such a quiet guy. I don't really know much about him. He doesn't talk to me much but he still is like my brother.

Saba has that face like "I'm gonna explode out of happiness." She was begging for my help even though she didn't show it.
I made up an excuse because I knew what was coming and this wasn't right. Not now. Especially since Sam was feeling those things about. .....
Anyway. After she left I sat next to Yusuf.

"Yusuf! What's up with you and saba?" I grinned.

He spits out the tea he was drinking back into his mug. His face suddenly turns red. "What're you talking about?" He didn't even look at me.

"Mmhmm. You know very well."

"Is it that obvious?" He turned towards me.

"Nooo of course not." Sarcasm. Deal with it. "The only person who's blind to it is Saba. So don't get your knickers in a bunch. " I assured him.

"Look, San. You know I used to like her but it's different now. I don't know. I just acted without thinking. But I was gonna ask her if she wanted to talk tonight. Like a date. But halal...and in the living room. Is that okay?"

"Duhh. She'll love that. But be modest. I'm trusting you." I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled. Saba cam back downstairs pouting and i knew Sameer had done something to mess with her.

"What's wrong saba? " Yus asked her and never before had I seen a man look at a girl with such concern.

Sameer's POV

I couldn't sleep after fajr. The place was so freaking cold. I wonder if Saba was awake. For sure, Sana would be...and Yusuf.
Someone knocked on the door lightly. It was too soft to be a guy. And Sana was so harsh and not gentle she couldn't knock like that. So that means......Saba. my heart started beating as if it would hop out if my chest. A lump appeared in my throat.
"What do you want? I mean....who is it?" I said coldly.

"Who do you think it is? And I made you breakfast. Open your door, moron." Why did she always sound so mean to me? Oh well. I liked messing around and teasing her.

"It's open."

She opened the door slightly and peaked in. Seeing that I was fully clothed, she sighed a breath of relief and entered my dorm.

"Here. Eat." She rested the plate on my chest since I was lying on the bed and turned around to leave.
Subconsciously I grabbed her wrist. Why? She gave me a glare of death and narrowed her eyes at me.
"Let go now."
She muttered astaghfirullah and began beating me with a pillow.

"Ouch. Say no to violence." I said between the strikes of abuse.

"You jerk!" She stuck her tongue out.

"Whatever. Just lemme eat my probably--poisoned--food."

"Maybe. Maybe not. Have fun experimenting. " she smiled sarcastically and left.

Yusuf POV

Saba stormed down the stairs and Sana quickly left my side to go comfort her. She gestured at me to come help. I asked her what's wrong but she just looked at me frustrated.

"Nothing. Sorry. It's just that idiot friend of yours." She rushed.

I face palmed myself. "Don't worry about him. You know how he can be." Sana nodded at her.

I approached her and she looked up at me. I chuckled, now realizing how adorably short she was. The top of her head was approximately at my lips.
"What? " she inquired.

"Oh its nothing. " I rubbed the back of my neck. "So ...as I was saying before. ...I was thinking.....since we haven't talked in a while. ...maybe we could catch up. Just the two of us. At the living room after the night prayer?"
I looked at her for a response.

"Really! ?" She excitedly asked. "Of course! I'd love to!" Sana looked at her and her expression read as "Oh no. Too obvious." They were really close. And their little silent conversations are really easy to read.

I better go check on sameer.

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