Sameer's POV

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Oh crap! Yusuf walled in on us.
Why is he back already?
This is such a reck. My legs were really numb. They just fell asleep and I tumbled.

Anyway, Yusuf is a calm and rational guy. I'm sure he'll understand and not handle this with violence.

To make matters worse, Sana came down and her sleepy eyes opened to full size immediately.

"What.....what....what?" She pointed to us.

Yusuf ran towards us and helped us up.

"Yus this is not what it looks like. Sameer, he just-"

"He just what? Magically fell on you?"
He snapped.

"Wow. Calm down. No need to get angry bro. This is just a misunderstanding." I assured him.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. What a great friend you are." He pointed his finger at me. What had gotten into him?

Sana was chatting with Saba to the side. I guess Saba had explained everything since Sana had an understanding expression.

Yusuf grabbed Saba by the arm and pulled her upstairs. I rushed to follow but Sana held me back.

"Just wait." She winked at me.

It was pretty quiet for the next few minutes.

"Yusuf was at the party last night." I told her.

"I know. I told him to come." She looked away from me.

"You what?"

"I invited him." She shrugged.


"To find out something. "

"What? I'm confused. "

She smirked. "Of course you are. Yusuf said he had to meet his parents. he claimed it was urgent. If it was, why would he have time to come to a party? I wouldn't have noticed his anxiety about it. I wouldn't even suspect him but....." she looked at me dead into my eyes "that day...when he left...he forgot his phone on the counter before he went to talk to you guys in the gallery. It started ringing so I answered it but I didn't say anything. It was Heather. She was rambling about the party and that she wanted to meet him there. I wasn't sure about anything that's why I invited him and he said he was already going. This is my second test, to see if he tells Saba the truth."

"Wow!" I gaped in awe. My little sis is so smart!

I couldn't help but feel threatened by Yusuf. He wasn't my best friend anymore.

Sana opened her mouth to say something but she closed it shut and looked behind me.


"I heard it all." She cut me off and nodded at Sana. She returned a supportive nod and Saba stormed upstairs.

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