Bye Bye Yusuf. Hello Sameer.

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Monday. Again. Joy. Note the sarcasm.

I need an extra month before school.
Unfortunately, that's not how any of this works. Five days school and two days weekend.

"Sana get up!" I shouted.

She stormed out of her room and slapped me on the head. "No school. Graduation. Sleep."
She muttered and shut her door.
I guess she wasn't fully awake.
judging by those few words, she meant this week was graduation so we had no school and she needed sleep.

I squealed and did my happy dance.

What're you doing?" Sameer pointed at me suspiciously.

"Nothing of your concern." I scoffed. It was too early to handle his nonsense.

Yusuf. I miss Yusuf. Where is he?

I knocked politely on his door and he responded immediately.

"Come in" He sounded sleepy but I didn't care. I giggled as I entered his room. His curtains were closed and he was lying on the floor with a book in his hand.

"Oh hey." He smiled at me.

I wanted to say something but I was just blank. Everything was just too good to be true.

"Hey." I waved at him. He rose to meet me but we were interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.

"Hello." He answered. He turned his back to me to continue the call. "Sorry I have to take this. Can we talk later?"

I nodded and gave him some privacy.


Waiting anxiously in the gallery, Sameer decided to be a nuisance and join me.

"You're not invited."

He sat next to me. "Oh shut up already." I giggled.

"Nah. Can't shut me up."

"Challenge accepted." He smirked.

"Oh please." I slurred on the last word.

He chuckled. "You should go see your boyfriend." His face was suddenly serious and he turned away from me.
What's his problem?

Yusuf came in.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?"


"My parents called." His face was full of hurt and anguish. I kept quiet and allowed him to continue. "I need to go home for a few days"

"Oh. Okay. How long? And when are you leaving? " i looked up at him.

"Three days. And i need to go today."
With that, he turned and left. What was I supposed to do?
Should I stop him? No, no I can't.
He'll be back soon. Just, let him go.
I convinced myself everything was going to be okay. Hopefully.

Go Yusuf. Go. But come back to me.

Two days had past since Yusuf left. Sameer and I spoke a lot and he opened up more to me. I saw his not-a-complete-jerk-face side which wasn't too bad. But I was coping.

Not one phone call from Yusuf. No messages. I'd grown quite used to it since Sameer was keeping me company. Sana hadn't left her room much so we brought her food whenever it was time. Speaking of, I taught Sam how to actually make something edible.

Somehow I felt as if he was really changing , for the better.

"You wanna go out tonight? "
His words surprised me and I stared at him in confusion.
I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"Relax. Not like a date. Sana will be there too and a bunch of other people. It's a gathering at the school for the graduates and my friend invited me. She said to bring as many people as I can up for it?"

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Sure. Tonight?" He nodded.


For the first time in two days, Sana left her room looking better than ever. She was dressed formally in
a long sleeved red gown with sequins and a black and white hijab.

We arrived a but late but I don't think anyone really cared.
Let's just get this over with.
I really didn't want to come but it was better than staying home alone.

After half an hour, the three of us were bored as hell. Sana said she was tired and left without us.

"Well. ...this is awkward. " Sameer pointed out.

"You don't say"

I searched the crowd, looking for anyone I might know from school but instead my eyes met a tall figure with dark brown hair. He was dressed in a tuxedo and his back was turned to me.

Sameer was also looking at the familiar unknown.

"Hey, what is he doing here?"
He left my side and patted the man on his shoulder.

Yusuf! I thought he was at his parents'.

There must be some logical explanation for this. Why else would he lie? I kept myself together. The next few hours were a blur.


My eyes opened slowly. It was still dark out. I was at home. How did I get here? I checked the clock on the nightstand.
1:09 pm

Why is it so late? It's already the afternoon. What happened last night?

I felt something heavy on my feet. I raised my chin to (thankfully) see Sana lying on across my legs. I kicked her off but at the same time, I was nudged off as well.
What the frick! The bed moved!

"Get off me brat!" Sameer said from under me.

"Shut up. I'm sleeping!" Sana muttered.

I screamed and jumped off the bed.
"What the hell are you doing in my room, you perv!" I shouted at him.

"This is my room. Why are you two here?" He responded in a similar tone.

Without saying anything more, Sana got up and left. I scoffed and followed her out.

My head was pounding on the inside.

"What really did happen last night?"
I said to myself.

"No idea." Sameer shrugged from behind me.

"Ah! My head hurts!" He tugged on his hair.

"Mine too." I said. He had a puzzled look.

The house was in a mess. We definitely didn't do this. I know we didn't drink. It's haram to consume alcohol. There were too many questions and too little answers.
Right now, I didn't want to think. I just needed tea. To my surprise, there was already freshly made coffee in the pot.

Sameer rushed me to get the last bit of coffee remaining but he slipped on the debris on the floor and both of us tumbled.

"Get off! " I pushed his shoulders above me but he was too heavy.

"I can't. "

"What do you mean you can't? Get. Off. Now." I threatened.

"Literally. I'm trying but it's legs are numb."

"Seriously? What a dumb excuse! I'm serious here. Move!" I was getting tired of this.

"If anyone saw us now they would think we were making out or something. " I gave him a death glare.

I wished he hadn't said that.

"What the heck is going here!" Yusuf shouted from the staircase.

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