Chapter #26

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Looking out the window of my bedroom I couldn't help but feel like crud. Outside it was a murky grey, it was pouring outside. Normally I loved the rain it would make me feel alive and refreshed. But today was different, today was the wake for my parents and tomorrow was the funeral.

Taking a deep breath I pulled my legs into my chest and rested my chin in between my knees. I was quietly pouting away in this little part of my room that I liked to hide in. It was like a semi-circle set of windows with a couch against them, it looked out to the forest which surrounded my parents mansion. The curtains that cut it off from the rest of my room were closed and all the lights in general were turned off.

"Stop sulking you dummy..." I said rubbing the bridge of my nose as tears streamed down the corners of my eyes involuntarily. Raising the music that blasted in my ears I tried not to think about my parents.

But it was almost impossible because every time I'd close my eyes images of them flashed through my head. I'd also wake up almost every night because of these weird dreams. But I was never able to remember them.

No matter how hard I'd rack my brain I couldn't remember anything. And I have a perfect memory. Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I jumped almost letting out a scream.

Pulling out my earbuds I turned to face Gilbert who was standing over me. He gave me a bittersweet smile and held out a hand for me to take. I turned off my music and left my phone on the bench. Taking his hand I let him pull me off the couch, and without saying a word I checked my appearance. Smoothing out the creases in my black lacey high low dress, I fixed my black leather jacket and then nodded to Gilbert. He tugged me out of the room, and we proceeded to walk down the hall in the direction of the front foyer.

My eyes stayed trained on the back of his head, watching with each step as his hair swung back and forth. Gilbert, Alfred, Ludwig and Feliciano, all of my friends at school... I don't know how or why.

But ever since the news of my parents something has changed. I felt a cold displacement from the world, yet a strange strong bond to my classmates. Those dreams I couldn't remember I felt like they were important, they meant something especially when i thought about everyone else. But why couldn't I remember?

"L, C'mon." Gilbert's voice called dragging me from my heavy troubled thoughts. We stood on top of the princess staircase that lead to the front foyer. All the other boys were down waiting at the bottom of the stairs, small smiles as they tried to cheer me up.

They all wore black suits, with a white button up shirt and black ties.

Without a word I walked down the stairs, Gilbert quickly followed besides me. Reaching the foyer I was greeted by a tender hug from Feliciano as he cried for some unknown reason.

"Please don't be sad." Feliciano said as he held me tightly. Letting out a light chuckle and a sad smile I hugged him back quickly.

"We've got to go Feli." I said tapping out of the hug as I tried to pull away. But he did not let go and only held onto me tighter. Giving Ludwig a pleading look he nodded and pulled the teary eyed Feliciano off me.

"Cheer up Feliciano, tonight we can make homemade pasta and meatballs for dinner." I said with a light smile as I pushed my hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. The chestnut brown haired Italian's face instantly lit up in joy and without remembering what was going on around him he bounced out of the door to the waiting sedan parked in the driveway. Pulling out five umbrellas from a closet, I lead the way for the rest of us out the door before locking it.

"Luna, the rain has let up we probably won't even need those." Alfred said, but just as i gave him an 'are you serious' look, a monstrous crack of thunder and a torrential down pour came out of no where.

"Your argument is invalid Al." Gilbert chuckled helping me into the car so I didn't get drenched. A stunned Alfred followed a couple seconds later, his mouth open and eyes wide. Once the door was closed the driver began to drive in the direction of the cemetery.

It was only a short but unbearably quiet ride to the cemetery. Everyone was stuck in the awkward silence, I generally preferred to stare out the window watching as familiar sights passed us by.

Upon arriving to the cemetery Ludwig got out of the car opening his umbrella and holding it over him and the open door for everyone as we stepped out of the car. I thanked the driver and stepped out of the car last.

Before I could open my own umbrella Gilbert pulled me under his and snaked his arm around my waist as he led the way to the burial sight. There waiting for us were some of my parents close friends and their children, associates from work and members of the staff from our house.

After the small ceremony they started handing out roses to put on their graves and I was the first. Taking the thornless red rose I moved from under the cover of the umbrella into the pouring rain. I stood in front of the coffin and ran my hand across the glossy wood of the coffin.

The memories of my child rolled through my mind. They were always so loving and warm when I was a little child. All the good times and the bad times. They'd spend as much time as they could with me when I was younger. We'd laugh and play for hours on end. As I finally realized the reasons why they became so tough on me these past few years. They were pushing me to be the best I can be.

They were pushing me to be who I've become. Strong, confident, intelligent, and besides what's going on right now... Happy. Tears flowed freely from my eyes as my lips trembled and I bit back a pained cry.

All they had done was to prepare me for when they were gone.

I stood in front of the coffin feeling as my body went numb, I stood there in the rain for what felt like an eternity. Watching as people laid their flowers on the coffin, i barely listened as people offered me condolences. I would nod but said nothing in return my eyes glued on the coffin as they slowly started lowering them into the graves.

I felt as the rain stopped pouring down on my shoulders but my eyes had become undeniably blurry as I tried focusing on the grave. I was more or less forced to turn around as I was pulled into the hard somewhat muscular chest of my albino boyfriend.

His arms were tight around me and my head was kept resting against his chest so I would not be watching as the dirt slowly covered the coffin. I cried into Gilbert's chest, I cried and cried. Until I blacked out.

[Discontinued] I'm Going to Gakuen Hetalia?!?!Where stories live. Discover now