Chapter #19

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Total-Chan: Sorry you guys it's been a while since i've gotten to write this one. But now that i've gotten through this one it should be published quicker.

Luna: We hope you guys enjoy it!

Prussia: Hey do you guys think that if you like it you could vot or comment on it.

America: We need you guys to show your support!


"A date?" Luna asked munching on the sandwich.

"Yes a date. You and I have been going out for a week. I think it's about time." Gilbert said wrapping his arm around her.

"Wait you two are going out?" Feliciano asked spitting out his juice hitting Ludwig in the face.

"Disgusting and What!?" Alfred said handing over a napkin to poor Ludwig and yelling at the two.

"Yeah, at the Halloween party. When he took me outside to stop my sugar high." Luna smiled pecking Gilbert on the cheek.

"Brüder..." Ludwig muttered looking at poor Gilbert suspiciously.

"Why not going to that ice skating rink that just opened up. I hear there is a couple's night tomorrow." Arthur said sipping his tea.

"Great idea Arthur." Gilbert smiled.

"Hmmm... How come we're eating in here?" Luna asked frustrated that they were in the cafeteria.

"It's the winter for Pete's sake. It's way too damn cold to sit on the roof." Alfred replied flicking her on the forehead.

"Owww..." She rubbed her forehead. Luna smiled flicking him right back and he glared at her pouting.

"Honestly you two could be siblings." Arthur stated taking a bite out of a burnt crumpet or whatever he had been eating.

"You wish." Luna smiled pushing back her seat.

"You're going to fall back." Ludwig watched her as Luna leaned farther and farther back.

"There's no way I cou-"

Luna was in the middle of her sentence when the chair snapped under her. It shocked her and her grip on the table was gone. She was sent backwards tumbling on the ground. It became dead silent at the table as everyone sweat dropped.

"Are you okay Luna?" Gilbert asked looking over his shoulder.

"I'm good." Luna jumped up dusting off her skirt.

"Your actually worst than I am." Alfred chuckled trying his best not to go restrain his laughter.

"But I am smarter than you." Luna smirked.

"There is no way that's possible." Alfred said slamming his hand on the table.

"Read it and weep." Luna replied placing her report card on the table. Al scoffed picking up her report card and taking out his report card.

"How the hell is that even possible!?" Alfred asked eyes widening.

"A's in every subject. That's impossible. Especially with all the time you're on the Xbox." He said in disbelief.

"Let me see that!" Arthur said snatching it out of his hands. Even his mouth dropped once he read it for himself.

"That's impossible!!" He shouted as the card went around the table.

"I have no clue either. The materials just come naturally to me." Luna said switching her now damaged seat out with Mathias's normal one. He was sitting behind them but he had gone to return his tray with everyone else at his table.

[Discontinued] I'm Going to Gakuen Hetalia?!?!Where stories live. Discover now