Chapter #6

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Total-chan: Hey you guys sorry i haven't been writing in a while. I've been preoccupied with some stuff...

Prussia: Like hell you've been! A whole months gone by and I haven't made another apperance.

North Italy: Veeee~ What about me?! I haven't even made an appearance.

Total-chan: Okay! Okay! Just read the chapter for pete's sake!!!

Note- All translations needed at are at the end of the story.


“Hey come on lets go!” I grabbed the boxes of food then ran out of the room making sure Alfred was right behind me. Everyone was sitting on the couch watching an angry looking Gilbert play my Assassins Creed: Revelation game.

“Hey you guys I’ve got some wicked vanilla cake and some cookies.” I said wearing a big smile. Everyone but Gilbert jumped up immediately and swarmed around me, I walked over to the counter in the kitchen with my blade that I had secretly stolen back from Alfred cut the box ties open. Then taking a cake cutter from one of the drawers I cut out 9 big slices of cake, which still left a third of the cake. I handed every one that was there a slice of cake then I placed some of the cookies onto a platter, which was quickly grabbed by Alfred and brought to the table. Next I closed them and hid the 2 boxes in one of the cabinets.

“Why hasn’t Gilbert come in yet?” I asked myself quietly. So once everyone had sat down  at the table to eat the cake and cookies, I grabbed my plate along with Gilbert’s and walked into the common room. I snuck up behind him and surprised him by whispering into his ear.

“Oh Gilbert~ Why didn’t you come into get some cake when I announced it?” I asked him a little seductively but caused him to jump up. His head snapped around and on his face he had a small bandage on his left cheek.

“What the hell do you want?!?”  he said yelling at me.

“Sie sind nicht gekommen, als ich gesagt habe, dass ich Kuchen und Plätzchen gehabt habe, plus Ihnen haben wirklich böse geschienen.” I said in German hoping to warm him up and I held out the piece of cake. He took the cake but still kind of angry.  I stood up from the spot I had been then walked around the couch and sat right next to him.

“What happened to your cheek?” I asked him while we both ate our cake.

“When I came into your room you snapped at me and held a knife up my throat but when you did you sliced my cheek on by accident. All I was doing was checking up on you because I heard you yell so I thought something bad had happened.” He said a little angry.  I hugged him a little and gave him a peck on the cheek, which caused him to blush.

“Thank you for trying to check on me but the only reason that I let Al stay in is because he knows more about my past than anyone else here does.” I said unlatching myself from the hug. Then I took the  controller from him I used Ezio and killed 2 enemies that Gilbert was previously having trouble with.

“Yes!” I said continuing the game he watched me play until he finished the cake and we exchanged the controller so I could eat my piece of cake.

“Hey Luna do you have any siblings?” Gilbert asked me seeming genuinely interested.

“No, I am an only child. How about you?” I asked him.

“Yeah I have a younger brother he lives on another floor in this building.” He said playing the game.

“Cool what’s he like?” I continued to ask him.

“He is almost as awesome me but he can be really strict at times. He has blond hair and blue eyes he usually combs his bangs out of the way so it’s easier for him to see.” Gilbert described his younger brother who sounded like the complete opposite of him; Gilbert was laid back but his brother seemed extremely stressed.  I finished my cake and took Gilbert's garbage into the kitchen. I walked over to the table where very one was sitting, talking and eating their cake.

[Discontinued] I'm Going to Gakuen Hetalia?!?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora