Chapter #11

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Total-Chan: Hey you guys i'm publishing two or three more chapters tonight.

Luna: Finally I get to go to the School!!!

Total-chan: Sorry but, i thought i should introduce you guys to some people before it so you have friends.

Luna: Yeah yeah yeah i get it.

Total-chan: It will be a short chapter but then It will be better longer chapters after this one.


“I’m tired, if you don’t mind I’m going to go to sleep now.” I said closing my eyes once again and let my body go limp in his arms.

I drifted asleep as soon as I closed my eyes and the next time I woke up I was on the couch of the common room facing the TV, I could tell it was the middle of the night as it was pitch black and I could only see the time on the VCR. I had a blanket covering the lower half of my torso and something was wrapped around me holding me close. I tilted my head to see who it was; silvery white hair brushed my face and I could see his pale skin he was wearing the same t-shirt he wore before but no jacket; it was easy to tell that it was the guy I really liked sleeping peacefully. His arms were wrapped around my waist keeping me close. I did not want to wake him so to the best of my abilities I shifted around so that my face was on his chest and I fell back to sleep.

(Monday Morning)

I woke up the next morning feeling really warm and comfortable. I opened my eyes ever so slightly hoping to be in the same place I was last night. My eyes were facing a bright red t-shirt, and knowing exactly whom it was which made me feel much better. I shifted my head so I was now face to face with my large albino pillow. I stared at his sleeping face for a moment then tucked my head back into a more comfortable position on his chest. I was comfortable for a while until Gilbert started shifting around and he woke up.

“Good Morning Luna.” He said in a sweet voice making my heart flutter.

“Good Morning.” I replied rubbing my eyes. I didn’t want to get up just yet but we had to get to school and Gilbert gently pulled his arms off me. Sighing I rolled off the couch were it was so warm, and stood up. As I stretched my body I looked over at the clock on top of the VCR and in big numbers it read 7:30.

“Go get changed and then if we have time we could get a bite to eat” I said walking back to my room. I closed the door gently and locked it preventing anyone from entering the room. I walked to my closet and pulled out my new ironed uniform: the red plaid skirt, along with a white short sleeved dress shirt, knee socks, black tie, and a pair of black penny loafers. Also I put on a pair of shorts under my skirt so it could be possible for me to run and do different tricks. Once I was finished getting dressed I walked into my bathroom. Looking at my reflection in the mirror it did not seem that bad, it fit me well and showed all of my curves unfortunately the skirt was short and the shirt showed off my breasts more than i wish it did. Regrettably I had some bad bed head, so after I finished brushing my teeth I started with up my hair. After I finished making sure everything was ready I took my messenger bag along with a random manga that lay on my bed, and a pair of sneakers for gym before leaving the room. When I made it back to the common room Gilbert was now wearing what looked like a male’s version of the school uniform while holding his backpack on his left shoulder.

“Luna how did you finish that quickly?” He seemed surprised.

“Unlike most girls I don’t care about make up or looking really pretty for guys.” I stated as we started walking down the stairs. I still hadn’t broken in my penny loafers so while I was walking the shoes started to dig into the back of my feet. We were running to the cafeteria making it even worse, since if we didn’t hurry I would be late to my first day of school. When we reached the cafeteria I grabbed a Styrofoam to-go container. Moving to the various places I started to fill the bin with: some cereal, bacon and a waffle. Not caring I swiped my card, grabbed a set of utensils, and some syrup boxes. Gilbert followed behind me and shouted out the directions to the school building. I slowed down as we approached the high school building, we had 20 minutes until 1st period, and so I sat down at one of the benches and started eating breakfast. Gilbert came a minute later, all out of breath and sat down next to me. He mimicked my actions by pulling out his breakfast and eating it. He took half of my waffle and in return I took one of his sausages. We finished eating our breakfast after 10 minutes so he decided to help me with my books and finding my locker. It was also funny that his locker was only a few away from mine. We separated once it was time for first period. I checked my bag for my schedule and unfolded it. The schedule said:  Period Schedule

1.               Ancient History- Room 218 8:30-9:10am Ms. Banikai

2.              Math- Room 325 9:20-9:50 Mrs. Rizumi

3.              Science- Room 337 10-10:40 Mr. Weevel

4.              Home Economics- Room 221 10:50-11:30 Ms. Mical

5.              Lunch 11:40-12:20

6.              Reading Comprehension- Room 312 12:30-1:10 Mr. McDono

7.              Art- Room 316 1:20-2pm Mrs. Nemani

8.              Gym 2:10-2:50 Mr. Malko

9.              Foreign Culture- Room 210 3pm- 3:40 Mr. Veniti

I went up to the third floor getting lost in a sea of students. Luckily with the help of a couple students I made it to Ancient History before the bell rang. I didn’t catch the teachers name because she just pointed to a seat in the middle of the class. But the problem was Matthew was sitting there.

“Ma’am there is already a student sitting here.”

“No there isn’t, no one sits there.” She said looking straight at me.

“Yes there is, let me show you.” I said turning back to Matthew. He looked kind of scared as I leaned close to him. I took his glasses right off his head and put them on top of my head. He slowly began to materialize and everyone in the class including the teacher seemed surprised.

“I’m not going to accept my friend being ignored so…” I stopped my sentence and took the empty seat next to him. Letting my bag fall on the floor next to me, I decided to get comfortable by leaning my chair back and putting my elbow atop the back of the chair. I had a feeling every one was starring at me so I smirked and handed Matthew his glasses.

“Thanks L.” He said in his usual whisper voice. The teacher after recovering from her shock began teaching, she had an interesting way of teaching. She made really funny analogies that almost everyone got a laugh out of. Currently we were studying the Holy Roman Empire, this was actually the first day of notes for the chapter because they had a test on it last Friday. I smiled when the bell rang signaling it was time to go to the next period, I grabbed my books and ran out the door before anyone could stop me. I slipped through the crowd and up the stairs to my next class the dreaded awful Math.

“Oh how I loathe the math!” I said mentally cursing the very institution that created this awful subject. I am good at it, but I just can’t stand it.

“One day I will just stop coming to math and skip the classes. But not today I can’t start skipping already, it’s my first school day and I cannot screw it up under ANY circumstances.” I said to myself mentally as I came up on my math class. But I couldn’t enter because 2 guys were blocking the doorway.

“Excuse me but move your blocking the entrance to the class.” I said to the guy whose back was to me. He didn’t even acknowledge my presence, the guy just continued to talk to the other one.

“Hey! Move you ass out of the fucking way so I can get to my class!” I yelled already fed up with this guy. He swiftly turned around with a furious look on his face. When he turned around I was able to get a clear view of whom he was talking to, and what was funny was that the two of them looked exactly alike. 

[Discontinued] I'm Going to Gakuen Hetalia?!?!Where stories live. Discover now