Chapter #5

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Total-chan: Wahoo!!

America: Sup Brosef?

Total-chan: I am finally on summer break, i just got out today! To celebrate i decided i would post a chapter!

America: Hurray!

Total-chan: Lets go party! (drags America away)

America: One second. Total doesn't own any hetalia charcaters she just made the story and Luna Reilly. Kay enjoy Chapter 5!


"Hello, Luna Reilly here what do you need?" I asked the person on the other end of the line.

"Yes, okay my dormitory's name is Northern Hemisphere- Well how the hell should I know why they named it that. Okay thanks I will come down in a minute." I talked to the voice then shut my phone.

"Who here is willing to help me bring some stuff up?" I asked the group of friends I had made, because the rest of them had entered when I had been on the phone. Everyone except Arthur, Francis and Roderich raised their hands.

"Great! Liz and Antonio could you come with me. When we come back up we will unload the stuff that Mattie, Al and Gil will take to my room. Do not open any of the boxes or else." I glared at Al and Gil specifically because they seemed overly nosey and they would probably do just that. When the elevator came up the three of us walked into the elevator then I pressed the button never taking my glare off of Alfred and Gilbert. The door closed and we started to go down, 30 seconds passed and the door opened to the main floor.

"The truck should be right out front." I said leading the two out of the room. We walked outside and there was a big truck that was right in front of the building.

"Hello Ms. Reilly it's nice to see you again." The driver said and I recognized him as one of the butlers at my families house, he was still wearing a suit and tie.

"You too, might my car be here?" I lowered my voice at the second part so not to sound like a snob to my friends.

"It will be coming tomorrow along with some other things that could not be included in this shipment." He said with a small bow and he also gave me the keys to my car. Then he lead me Liz and Antonio to go to the back of the truck. He opened the door to the back of the truck and in it there was a large amount of boxes each with different labels like 'manga', 'movies', 'books', 'appliances', 'furniture' anime and "extras'.

(I get it I'm from a prominent family of course my parents spoil me with material objects)

"Come on let's start unloading this stuff." I said jumping on to the truck and started handing off small boxes to Liz and Antonio while I had the butler stay at the elevator until the floor of the elevator was covered and some of the boxes got stacked up. Then we let the elevator go up to the fourth floor where the guys unloaded it and sent the elevator back down. As the process continued at a steady pace we took care of most stuff within 10 minutes and 2 trips. When only one thing was left, I told Elizaveta and Antonio so they could go back upstairs. They were finally upstairs and looked around for what I had to bring up that was left over, it was my flat screen TV from my old room. So bending down, I picked it up and walked over to the edge of the truck, then gently letting it slide down through my fingers, and I did this until it reached the ground. I jumped off the truck and walked into the building holding it with ease. The butler pressed the button to call the elevator for me and I walked into the elevator, I placed it into my TV into my left hand then waved goodbye with my free one to the butler who just gawked at me when I did this. When I reached the floor I made sure my grip was key on the TV and started walking to my room. As per usual I amazed every one with my abilities, my strength was amazing but I grew up with this ability ever since I was a little kid my strength was superb.

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