Chapter #12

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Total-chan: This should be another short chapter but it will be a good one after this okay? Kind of has some drama in the next chapter.

Luna: Oh Great... 

Total-chan: I agree with that statment. I love drama in writing and stories but i can't stand it in real life.

Luna: Well thank you all the readers in the next chapter there is a big announcment comming up.


“Hey! Move you ass out of the fucking way so I can get to my class!” I yelled already fed up with this guy. He swiftly turned around with a furious look on his face. When he turned around I was able to get a clear view of whom he was talking to, and what was funny was that the two of them looked exactly alike.

“Shut up cant you see I’m having a discussion with mio fratello.” The angry boy said. I looked up and down at him examining his traits: he had short dark brown hair along with light brown eyes. He looked extremely similar to someone I knew but it wasn’t coming to me. I finally realized who it was when the other person came and tackled me in a huge hug.

“Veeeeee~ Luna what’s up?” Feliciano smiled as he continued to hug me.

“Niente come su di te?” I asked him in Italian.

“Sto solo parlando con mio fratello.” He responded to me gingerly.

“Quello è tuo fratello?” I said looking at the guy who was still standing outside the doorway just looking at me.

“Yes I am his brother!” He responded with a yell and a pouty face. When he pouted his checks got really puffy which looked really cute. I started to poke his cheeks because they looked so pudgy and they felt like dough. I chuckled  as i continued to poke his cheeks.

“Hey stop it!” He said blushing as he smacked my hand away.

“Oh I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Luna Reilly and it’s a pleasure to meet you. But next time just don’t stand in front of a doorway while you talking its blocking traffic.” I said starting to him pulling him into the classroom.

“Okay.” The guy returned the favor.

“I never got your name.” I looked at him patiently.

“Oh yeah… My name is Lovino Vergas.” He said holding his hand out, and then I shook it with a smile. Before we could continue talking the bell rang, so Feli dragged me over to a seat right next to him and Lovino. Math class just dragged on for what felt like forever. The teacher didn’t really seem to care, she just gave us some work sheets and left us alone. When Feliciano finished his work he wouldn’t stop talking, after two minutes of listening to his unending chatter I wanted to slam my head against the table till I blacked out. Lovino seemed to know the feeling because he gave me a look of sympathy.

“Luna Reilly, could you collect the sheets for me.” The teacher said as she worked behind her desk.

“Yes Mrs. Rizumi.” I said standing up and moving to the front of the room. I worked my way through the room taking all of the papers not caring one bit. When I finished taking the papers I walked over to her desk and dropped them in front of her. Walking back to my seat next to Feliciano and let my head fall onto the desk.

“You guys can do what ever you want for the next 15 minutes.” The teacher said dismissing us.

“Mrs. Rizumi can we go early?” A kid in the back of the room asked.

“Sure just don’t cause a ruckus.” She dismissed us. I took my bags and walked out of the classroom.

“Do either of you have Mr. Weevel for Science next?” I asked the brothers.

“No we don’t sorry. I guess we will see you at lunch.” The brothers said before they walked away in the opposite direction. No one was currently in the hallway so I threw my bag down the hallway and kicked of my penny loafers sending the shoes flying. I took off running then jumped up; in mid air I did a backflip, and when my feet hit the ground I jumped up again did a spinning kick and finished off with a tuck and roll. When I fully stood up, I was standing in front of my science class. Both Mathias and Lucas were also standing there too, I hadn’t noticed they were there but by the amazed look on their face they had seen my trick.

“Hey you guys did you like that little trick?” I asked them putting my penny loafers back on.

“Yeah, pretty awesome of you.” Mathias said giving me a high five.

“Math cramps my style so I needed to loosen up.” I said stretching a little more. They both laughed at my awful joke making me feel better.

“So what’s up with you two?” I asked them picking up my messenger bag.

“Nothing we’re in the same math class but you got pulled by those Vergas brothers into sitting next to them, so we couldn’t get you to sit with us. And I’m guessing were in the same Science class also.” Mathias said confidently.

“Wicked, Hey tomorrow can I sit with you guys, Feliciano would not shut up! It was driving me nuts.” I said as I rubbed my head. We continued to talk about some random shit and I preformed some more of my awesome moves until the period ended. The door to my science class opened and the kids started walking out. Lucas, Mathias and I all waited until everyone had left the room before exiting.

“Hello, you must be Luna Reilly, welcome to the school.” A man said as I walked in. He had a buzz cut, glasses and wore a suit and tie.

“I am your science teacher Mr. Weevel, its nice to meet you.” He said as we shook hands.

“Nice to meet you too.” I said after we finished shaking hands. Mathias then grabbed the hand that had been free and pulled me over to where he and Lucas were sitting. The three of us talked as the room filled and up until the bell rang. Mr. Weevel had one of the oddest teaching styles, he yelled a lot to get his point across, when one kid started to fall asleep he went up to the poor guy bent down then yelled in his ear. The class was ten times better than Mrs. Rizumi and I liked it a lot. The class flew by to fast and I waved goodbye to my friends as we parted ways and I went a floor down.

“Move it or loose it.” I said sliding down the railing because the kids on the stairs weren’t moving. Truthfully I wish that either Alfred or Gilbert were with me in the earlier classes because in my opinion it’s boring as hell with out them. Once I was finished sliding on the railing I looked around to try and find my Home Ec. Class. The funny thing was that it had been directly in front of me the whole freaking time. I walked across the hallway and was about to throw it open when I looked inside. My heart immediately sank into the pit of my stomach.

[Discontinued] I'm Going to Gakuen Hetalia?!?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora