Chapter #7

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Total-chan: Sup my peers! I decided to post one or two more chapters today. Because i love this story oh so much.

England: Sorry America couldn't come so i did instead... Would you like a scone?

Total-chan: Umm... Uh... No thank you i am fine without one.

England: I insist that you do!

Total-chan: Well... Oh! Is that Spain I hear! Got to go thanks. To the readers enjoy the chapter. Got to go BYE!!!

England: Wait take one for the road.

Note- Translations at the end of the chapter. The picture on the side is of Mickey. Don't forget to comment and vote.


“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!” the four of them yelled standing up and running over to Ludwig, Kiku, Feli and I.

“Well I was running on the track really fast I jumped over a log then I tripped over something but I didn’t see what it was, went rolling for like 5 or 6 meters then hit a tree.” I said with pride.

“Are you okay?” Gilbert asked me with a very concerned voice.

“Yeah totally.” I said smiling. Ludwig put me down and almost right after he did I blacked out.

(Gilbert’s POV)

After my brother took Luna of her back, she seemed really out of it. She smiled at us, her face got really red then she fainted. I was able to catch her just before she hit the ground. She was burning up, a large welt on her head and she was covered in scratches. I brought her into her unfinished room laid her on the bed found a blanket a put it on her so that way she wouldn’t be freezing. Then I closed the door to her room and returned to the common room.

“So what actually happened to her?” I asked my younger brother.

“She tripped over Feliciano’s white cloth flag, she did go tumbling through the bushes  and her head hit the tree kind of badly.” Ludwig sighed.

“I’m sorry!” Feliciano said crying.

“Ja, we understand.” My brother said patting his head.

“I will text you when L wakes up so you know she is safe.” I told my brother. He and his friends all returned to their floor on the building. I went back to Luna’s room to check up on her. When I got in she was still passed out on the bed almost exactly how she had been, but the blanket was now on the floor. So I picked it up, going to but the blanket back on her and something fell out of it, it was an official looking piece of paper with some writing. I bent down and started reading the letter.

‘Dear Miss Luna Reilly,

We are sorry to inform you but there was an accident concerning your friend Mickey Delatario. She committed suicide this past Thursday at 10pm by shooting herself from all the grief of the years she was bullied. On her suicide note she left all money to you this money was what she has earned and money from things that are decided to be sold by your permission. This left all her personal belonging to you as she had no relatives. We wish our condolences to you at the lost of her.


Morgan Funeral Home’

Now I realized that was why she was crying she lost her closest friend and it must have been nearly impossible to cope with.

“Mickey” I heard her mumble. She was probably having a fever dream because she was crying and tossing on her bead. I fixed her sheets that were yet again ripped off her, one last time.  I didn’t realize what I was doing until I bent down over he and kissed her forehead. She smiled and started murmuring but she did seem happier but still sad. I started walking over to the door but I turned around one last time.

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