Chapter #24

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Okay right now I am going apologize.

I am sooooooo sorry!!!!

I've been so preoccupied with my job that I didn't get to even touch my laptop for 7 weeks.

So I will be trying to post more often.

Thank you and my appologies again and here is the next chapter!



As the whole class kept working on their self-portrait's when the sound of a hand against the door. Everyone stopped to stare at the door; Mrs. Nemani stood up and opened the door.

A student waiting outside handed her a slip. She opened it and her face saddened slightly. Coughing into her closed fist she waved the kid away and faced the class.

"Gilbert and Luna please come here." Mrs. Nemani said motioning them to her. Dropping their stuff into their bags they walked over to her.

"The Dean's need to see you immediately." Her voice was noticeably saddened. Looking at each other the two scrambled to get their stuff and jogged out the door.

"I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something happened." Luna said looking over her shoulder at her boy friend.

"Don't worry Schatz (German: sweetheart) you've got me if anything goes wrong." Gilbert smiled throwing his arm over her shoulder and hugging her softly.

Together they walked across the campus making it to the dean's office in no time flat. The cold winter months left a thick blanket of snow across the campus. The outside campus was dead silent and nearly empty minus the traveling couple and some administration workers heading in the opposite direction.

Arriving at the tall admin's building, they spared each other a single look before walking into the heated building out of the cold.

"So what did we do to both get called here?" Gilbert asked with a smile as they trekked through the large building.

"Our fights on school property, the food fight last week, gum on Mr. Veniti's chair..." He said going off on a rant.

"Most of those are your fault. I just got dragged along for the ride." Luna laughed nervously as they made it to the dean's office.

Knocking against the door Luna gave Gilbert a scared side-glance but he only shook his head with a smile trying to reassure her.

"Come in." Mr. Vargas's voice said grimly from inside the room. Gilbert gave Luna's hand a quick reassuring squeeze before opening the door. The room was dead silent as they both entered the room. Mr. Vargas and Mr. Beilschmidt stood in front of their desks with upset looks on their faces.

"What's wrong dad?" Gilbert asked his father, holding tightly onto Luna's hand.

Without giving his son a definitive answer he shook his head. Even the lively Mr. Vargas looked upset.

"Ms. Reilly?" A voice from behind them made the couple turn their heads. There in the corner of the room stood a pair of policemen.

"Yes?" Luna said feeling her stomach drop.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but your parents are dead..." One of the cops said but his voice fell silent at the end. Luna's hand covered her mouth as a scared cry left her mouth. Tears fell from her eyes and she dropped to the ground.

Everyone rushed to her aid; Gilbert knelt down beside her pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back trying to calm her down. After she spent at least ten minutes crying she recomposed herself, Gilbert helped her carefully off the ground.

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