Chapter #16

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Prussia: Soooo... Total-chan couldn't make it to our little interview sesions so i am hosting it.

France: Ohononon~ How come i never get to meet her?

Prussia: Kesesese~ Because she doesn't like you. Cuz as she says 'Your a pervert.' HA!!

Spain: What about me!?! I'm not a pervert like France. I'm actually nice unlike 'im. (Spain pointed over to France)

Total: That's actually true. I never said I hated you. Just France; you are too cute and i like Prussia cuz he's totally awesome.

France: That's totally unfair!!!

Luna: I agree.

Total: Well do you know what this group's name is? Let me give you a hint. It's the BTT.

(Boys stare in shock.)

Boys in unison: Don't you dare say it.

Luna: What is it?

Total-chan: Their name is the Bad Touch Trio... (Devil Grin)

Prussia: Luna I-Uhhh...

Luna: Pervert... (Luna walked away)


“Well let’s go!” I said pulling his hand leading him out of the room. He then took the lead bringing us to the gym.

“Here’s the girls locker room once your done just ask someone which door for the gym.” Gilbert said running to the boy’s locker room. I went in and quickly put on a plain white t-shirt and red Softee shorts with my simple black running shoes.

“Excuse me!” I asked poking the shoulder of a girl. Her platinum blonde hair went down to her waist and it reminded me of Gilberts.

“What do you want?” She said coldly pulling her hair into a ponytail.

“Um which door is the one for the gym?” I asked hesitantly.

“The one that’s labeled gym. Идиот.” She said using Russian.

“рывок.” I muttered leaving the locker room before she had time to react to what I said.

“Hey Gilbert!!” I waved running over to him only to have myself trip on a mat and go tumbling. As I got closer I pushed myself from the ground flipping in mid air and landing perfectly next to him. I looked across the room seeing a couple of my friends

“So do you know what we’re doing today?”

“I think we’re going to-” Prussia said almost finished but was cut off by the yelling of Mr. Malko our gym teacher.

“Listen up maggots we have a new kid here and to welcome them we’re doing an old fashion game of dodge ball. New kid you’re one captain and Uhhh… Natalya Arlovskaya you’re the other captain.” He said grabbing my arm and the girl from before.

“Now hurry up and pick your teams.” He said going to grab the red rubber balls for us to use.

“Okay you go first.” Natalya said.

Gilbert.” I said.

“Ivan.” She said.


“Big sister.”


“Eduard (A.N. That’s Estonia).”



“Umm you.” I said pointing to a boy wearing a white mask.

[Discontinued] I'm Going to Gakuen Hetalia?!?!Where stories live. Discover now