Chapter #27

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Running up and down the grassy hills I could feel my heart thumping from my chest. Panic had set in long before this, waking up without her threw me out of my comfort zone. The came to me begging for help and I knew not what I should do.

I need her.

I needed to find her.

"AMALURRA! AMALURRA!" I screamed, my bare feet padded against the hilly green grass as my white dress skirt followed behind me. My small child like body (even if i was centuries old) barely making any progress crossing the hills that engulfed the landscape.

The sun was sinking over the horizon, if I didn't find her soon I don't know what I would do to get through the night.

Reaching the hill top I paused to regain my breath when I spotted her. Ignoring the pain and the tightness in my chest I rushed down the side of the hill and up another reaching her side.

"A-Amalurra, why weren't you at home? I was all alone." I asked looking up at her. But she wouldn't look me in the eye, she only looked to the sunset.

"Avani, child I am leaving."  Amalurra said somberly. Her long blonde hair  and green sundress whipped behind her with the wind. Her hair as it blew through the wind,  it turned grey like she was aging centuries in mere second.

"W-What? No. NO, Please you can't leave me. Not now, I can't do this alone."  I said  grabbing onto her hand that turned wrinkly as I clung onto it.

"Avani, Avani. Darling, I can no longer stay with you. My time has passed, it is your task to watch over them, not mine I can no longer help you."  Her hands became icy cold in my grip as she gently rubbed her thumbs on my knuckles.

"But Amalurra I can't do this alone. Please don't leave me."  I hiccuped as tears slid down my cheeks. Amalurra pulled her hands away and cupped my cheeks using her thumb to wipe away the tears.

"You will not be alone. I may leaving the physical world, but I will always be with you." Amalurra said squatting down in front of me. She pressed her lips on my forehead gently and wrapped her arms around my small form, as I pulled my arms around her back too holding her as tightly as i physically could.

As I let out one more strangled sob, a sudden gust of wind blew through the land, the sun set below the horizon. And she was gone...

Amalurra vanished with the last of the sun's light.

Sobbing hoarsely my arms dropped no longer being wrapped around anyone.

For a long time I just stayed where I was hunched over. All the light disappeared and the warmth from the sky and what felt like the entire world, something changed. A sudden tingly feeling crept through my spine up almost like a wave of electricity coarse through her body. Standing up I looked around to see what had happened, suddenly the ground was much farther away from what she had remembered.

My whole body felt different. My head felt like it was being weighed down by something. As I brought my hand's up to touch my hair they looked bigger, smoother, and more defined. My hands reached my hair and it was longer. It had always been kept just past the chin because it was manageable but now it was down to my waist.

It was as if I had turned into a teenager. But not only that something clicked like an overwhelming sense of magic, of power was now coursing through my body. Raising my arms up from where they rested by my sides, wind spun around my body and I was controlling it.

My hair whipped around me as the winds picked up, it's color changing from red to blonde to brown to black to strawberry blonde.

"I will never leave you..." Amalurra's voice whispered as if being carried by the wind.

The voice echoed slightly until I caused the wind to die down, the words brought a smile to my lips. I wasn't alone, never alone.

"Amalurra! Is that you?" The voice of a friend called.

"Amalurra, have you seen Avani?" Another familiar voice called. Turning to face where the voices came from Germania and Rome as they made it to the crest of the hill where I stood.

"I'm Avani..." I called simply, my voice sounding so much more mature than it's old childish tone. It was shocking for me, and definitely would take time to get used to.

The two men looked as shocked as I felt.

"A-Avani... What happened to you? Where's Amalurra?" Rome asked.

"She's gone. I am Terrae {Latin}." 


(Luna's POV)

Gasping for breath I lurched forward in my seat, sweat sliding down my brow as i panted breathlessly.

"Luna are you okay?" Gilbert asked resting his hand on my shoulder eyeing my panic struck face. Wiping my forehead, I regained my breath my hands trembling as i did so.

"Y-Yeah... I guess. How long till we get to the Airport?" I asked opening the window of the airplane besides me.

"Around two more hours. Was it another one of those dreams?" Gilbert asked wrapping his large pale hand around my smaller trembling one.

"Yeah." I responded letting out another hesitant breath.

"Do you remember anything?" Gilbert implored again.

"No." I said simply as I stared out the window at the clouds below the plane.

Looking at the sun as it slipped below the clouds a jolt of lighting practically pierced my chest. A set of words echoed slightly through the air causing her to jump.

I will never leave you...

"D-D-Did you say something?" I asked looking to my Albino boyfriend.

"No. Why?" Gilbert asked. But I couldn't speak, something kept me from getting the words out.

 I will never leave you...


Where did she remember those words from?


The names have great significance in this chapter.

Amalurra means 'Mother Earth' in Basque. And this is the website I used for the name:

For once I'm not going to translate the word from Latin into English... Sorry! :-)

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