Chapter #18

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Total-Chan: I have done it in a day!!

Total-Chan: I worked hard to do this and even though it's a day late it's a Halloween Story.

Prussia: It took you long enough.

Luna: Does this mean Karma?

Alfred swallows nervously

Total-Chan: MAYbeee. It;s story time though!

A/N: That external link leads to Luna's Costume pieces. PS The ending is a little bit graphic but not that much, just a warning...


"Bang Bang Bang!!" The sound coming from the door erupted jolting the two wide-awake.

"Luna! Luna! Luna!! Wake up, toady's Halloween and the party!!" Alfred said his hand slamming against the poor door.

"God Damn it Al!!!! I am going to wipe the floor with your ass!!" Luna said pushing off the sheets and charging at the door. She threw it open and chased her idiotic friend around the dorm floor.

"Luna stop yelling! Especially since you just freaking woke up!!" Arthur yelled throwing his large book in their direction. It happened to hit her on the back causing her to go flying into Alfred.

"Meanie!!!" Luna said as she sat up on her friends back.

"What time is it?" Luna asked tossing Arthur's book back to him.

"Two o'clock, you slept through the morning. Did you decide on whether to go to the Halloween Party?" He asked politely catching the book and re-opening it.

"I was dragged to get a costume yesterday so I guess that'd be a yes." She smiled as Alfred pushed her off his back.

"Hey GILBERT!! Wake up, I need your help with something." Luna said walking back to her room with a devils grin. She leaned on the door frame looking at the albino boy sleeping in her bed. A grin came onto her face as she walked over to the bed.

"Gilbert, wake up its time for you to help me prank Alfred." She said nudging him awake.

"Hhmmm Not now West 10 more minutes." Gilbert mumbled softly. Luna sighed gently going to a last resort.

"Wake up Mr. Awesome, we've got a prank to pull." Luna said into his ear. When the word awesome left her lips he bolted awake.

"What's the plan?" Gilbert asked with the same devious grin she wore. Bending over Luna started to whisper into his ear. His eyes narrowed and the smirk became even more devious as she continued to whisper into his ear.

"Shall we get started?" Gilbert asked finally getting out the bed.

"Yes we shall!" Luna said jumping up, grabbing her costume and makeup kit.

(Time Skip/Omniscient POV)

Almost everyone had gone to another floor or to help with setting up the party. Arthur and Francis were gone to help with the party. Elizaveta and Roderich went to help the DJ work out the sound track along with working with the caterers. And Antonio dragged Romano off to probably pick some tomatoes. Alfred was the only one in the common room waiting for his friends to finish getting ready by playing a horror video game.

He was ready in his costume, his chain saw murder costume. He wore a white button down shirt, black vest, brown pants that looked like he had gone through a lot of mud, a pair of coal black penny loafers, an orange trench coat with a green star on the left shoulder. The bottom of the trench coat was a slime green color not to mention kind of tattered. His chainsaw was orange with two green stars on the side; it lay next to him with the ski mask.

[Discontinued] I'm Going to Gakuen Hetalia?!?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang