Chapter 10

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ERMERGERSH CHAPTER 10! I decided you guys needed more love from me because of how lazy I have been so here ya go!
Darkness was all I have seen, was I I couldn't be. Nightmare would throw a fit, so why am I alone. Everything then changes. London is on fire. Everyone is burning. I see myself being killed by a blurry figure. My eyes widen as I scream.
You awake in a jolt. Nightmare was looking at me in concern. "(Y/n), are you alright?"
You stay silent, looking at the plain wall infront of you. Nightmare grabs your sholders and pulls you into a hug. You start to cry. "Shh, there there?" You hug her back sobbing. "I-I-I saw f-fire...everyone w-w-was dying...I-I died by some blurry figure." Nightmare suddenly stops. She stands, stiff. "No-one and I mean NO-ONE will lay a hand on you. I will be there to protect you. You have many people who will sacrifice themselves for you. You are a very special girl (Y/n). You have stolen a place in many people's heart." You start to cry some more, and you get up and hug her. She smiles softly. "Your killing me...your making me soft..." "Your like a sister to me, ya know?" You laugh softly and Nightmare chuckles lightly. "Ya, same. Now, why don't you go find your boyfriend and hang with him." You blush and slap her. She gives you a playful glare and shoo's you out. You go and find...

You walk towards Ciel's study and knock on his door. You hear a faint 'come in' so you open the door. Ciel looks up from his work and see's you. He stops what he was doing and walks over to you. "(Y/n), what you need?" You look shyly at Ciel and grab his hand. "Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me today..." "Absolutly-I mean sure...I would love to." You jump for joy and drag him out to the gardens. You sit down by the near by bench and stare at Ciel. He blushes and sits by you. "So (Y/n), why did you want to hang.out with me?" "Why not silly?"
"Well...I don't know..." The sun starts to set and Ciel looks at you smiling. "May I try something?"
Before you could answer, Ciel's lips were on yours. Your heart beat quickened and you kissed him back. The kissed lated about a minute. You both pulled away panting. "I love you (Y/n)."
You stared at him for a while and got up. "I-I need to go." With that you ran leaving a confused and hurt Ciel.

You walk into the kitchen and see Sebastian scolding Bardroy for yet again setting the kitchen on fire. You giggle gaining both boys attention. Sebastian tells Bard to clean the mess up then walks towards you. "Mrs. (Y/n), what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" "Just wanted to hang out with you that's all." You reply happily. He haults to a stop and turns towards me, smirking.
Next thing you know, your pinned to a wall with Sebastian towering over you. (Auther: No Rape!! Bad Bassy!) He attacks your lips and you gasp in suprise. He takes advantage of this and slips his tounge into your mouth. You two fight for dominance, but clearly...Sebastian won. You break apart and look at Sebastian in shock. Quickly, you turn and run leaving a very confused demon butler.

Grell: You were walking around the mansion, hoping the red headed shinigami was around here somewhere. Your eyes were suddenly covered from behind you and you feel breathing near your ear. "Guess who~" you, already knowing who it was, put your thumb on your chin in a thinking position.
"Zero~?" Grell huffs and says, "Nope~" you giggle and turn around with him still covering your eyes. "Hm, fine. Grello~"
"OH MY GOD SHE GAVE ME A NICKNAME!" He uncovers your eyes and you see him doing a happy dance. You let out a giggle, that soon turns into a full on laugh. Grell looks at you like you've grown two heads but soon joins in on laughing with you. You guys are too busy laughing, you didn't notice Meyrin standing there looking at you guys like your crazy. Grell suddenly jumps up and grabs your hand. He drags you to a nearby room and pushes you against the wall. You were about to say something until Grell smashed his lips onto yours. You stand, frozen. Not able to do anything. Slowly, you start to kiss him back. Both of you pull away and you blush like crazy. He smirks and leans next to your ear and says, "Love you (Y/n)~" you just stare at him. "I-I...need to go to the restroom." And quickly scurry out, leaving a very hurt Grell.
William: You were wondering around London's streets hoping to run into William...but you were wrong. You walked passed a bar with a few drunk guys standing outside of it. They seen you walk by and walked up to you. Noticing, you quickened your pace, but they cornered you. "Heeeeey baby, what's a sexy thing like you doing all alone out here?" You could clearly smell the alcohol coming from his breath. The one whom you believe was the leader came up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Get off of me!" You yell, trying to get out of his strong grasp but couldn't since...he was bigger then you. (Crimson: Duh Author-chan! Way to state the obvious! Author: Shut up! Your not supposed to be in this story yet! Crimson: Fine with me~) "Now why would I do that~?" "I would advise you to leave her alone or you will be hurt." A man in the shadows states. The leader looks at the shadow and snickers. "What're you, her boyfriend?" "No, I am her protector, her guardian. She is worth my heart and soul." (Crimson: Does he even have a soul? Author: IDK don't question meeeeee!) "What are ya gonna do, kill me?" He let's you go and goes over to William. 'Uh oh...' you think, 'this guy is dead.' The leader goes and swings on William, but he avoided the hit and stabbed the drunken man with his hedge clippers...(Crimson: Why...? Author: Shut up!) The drunk man screams in pain, holding his left sholder. He stares at William wide-eyed and runs away. His men following behind him. You run to William and hug him, catching the man by suprise. He looks down at you with a loving emotion and you look up at him happily. "T-thank you so much Willia-" you were cut off by a passionate kiss from the tall man. You kiss back almost instantly. He pulls away after a while and stares into your (E/c) eyes. "You make me feel this emotion I left behind long" He goes down for another kiss but you look away. "I-I have to go find Nightmare, b-bye!" And you quickly run away, leaving behind a sad William.

Undertaker: You were to impatient to wait. You wanted to see the Undertaker as soon as possible. So, you had Nightmare fly you there. "If you need me, just call and I will be there!" She yells, putting you on the floor and flying away from you. You heard giggling from behind you so you turn around quickly and see the Undertaker. You smile as he walks over to you and puts an arm around your sholder. "Soooo (Y/n), care to tell me a joke?" You look at him shyly and turn your head away. "I don't really know any funny jokes..." Undertaker just keeps on smiling. "Just tell me any joke deary, come on. You'll get a reward afterwords~"
"U-Uh ok...[Insert Funny Joke Here] (Soooorrry, don't really know a joke that will make him laugh his arse off)" It happened all so suddenly, the Undertaker is dying of laughter on the floor. You look at him crazily when he suddenly stops laughing. He grabs your hand and pulls you to a hill ontop of the graveyard. The moon was up so it was a gorgeous view. "It's beautiful..." you say. "Yea, it is." He says looking at you. He leans in suddenly and closes the space in between both of you. Your lips moved in sync with his. This lasted for twenty seconds before you pulled away. "I-I can't...sorry!" You run away, holding your chest. The Undertaker stands their, looking sad. "I will wait for when your ready, my dear..." (...Woah...)

Alois: You wanted to see that young boy Alois again. Something about him intrigued you. Was it his blonde hair...or blue eyes? Whatever it was, you needed to see him now. There was a knock on your door suddenly. You open it revealing Sebastian. "We have guests here (Y/n), do you want to come and meet them?" You nod your head at Sebastian, still thinking about Alois Trancy... "U-Uh, alright! Be down in a minute." Sebastian bows and closes the door. You let out a frustrated sigh and fix yourself up abit. You wouldn't want to look horrible for Ciel's guest. You fix your (F/c) dress and you brush your (H/l), (H/c) hair. You smile at your appearence and gracefully walk down the stairs. You turn and see the boy you were thinking about and his butler. "Ah, Alois! Claude! Good to see you again!"
"Again?" Both Ciel and Sebastian question. "Lady (Y/n)! It's nice to see you again too!" He yells, running over to you and giving you a big hug. His head inbetween your boobs (Bewbs). You blush as he looks up, smirking. "I couldn't stop thinking about you and here you are! Come, let's get to know eachother better!" Before you can say anything, he drags you out the door. "You know...I think I might have developed some feelings for you...your so beautiful and kind." He leans in and kisses your lips. He pulls away quickly. "Claude! Let's go!" He yells and skips away, leaving you confused.

Claude: "Lady (Y/n)." A male calls from your balcony. You turn and see Claude standing their silently. You run to the balcony to go and greet him. But since luck is not your fourtune, you tripped over your own feet and fell over the balcony. Before you could even realize, Claude had caught you. He held you close to where your noses were touching. "T-thank you so much Claude! If it wern't for you, I would have..." "Don't worry my goddess, I would never let you fall..." he puts his lips near your neck and slides his tounge up and down it. Your breath hitches in your throat and you could feel him smirk. He trails up near your jaw line, then your lips. You were suprised by this and started to kiss back slowly once you realized what was happening. He stops and strightens himself up. "I will be seeing more of you, but for now...good night!" He dissapears and Nightmare walks in, "Sup broski! There was someone here, your new boyfriend?" "N-no!" You deny, blushing. "Yeeea, nope! Go to need some sleep!" "Okay mom!" You say sarcastically. She smiles, "Good night daughter!"
A/n: Alright! I am going to end that there. This was longer than I expected...sorry if some of them are short but I ran out of ideas...I decided that I was going to update eairly for you guys because I might not be able to update alot and I wanted you all to have something to read before I die of bordom since I don't have internet because I live around the woods...I am over at my friends house right now and I hope you all have a good day-
Nightmare: Or night!
Both: Bieeee guys!

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