Chapter 15

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Were going to get right to this, no waiting for me to talk kk? I'm going to use [Name] from now on lol...

-3rd Person POV-

"Nightmare!" [Name] yelled out in glee, for once happy to see her demented friend (See what I did there? No? Oh well 😂). Nightmare wasn't focused on [Name] or anyone else in the room, she had her focus on Avexa.

"Okay tramp, you kidnapped [Name]-chan...for what, just to get me to come here and kick your a$$? How silly of you, but I'm not in the best of moods so can you please be a dear and release her before I have to cut you to itty bitty pieces and feed you to my demon hound? I really don't want to get blood everywhere, but if I have to..." Avexa just snorted and took out her weapon, a light sword.

"Oh little Nightmare, can't you see that I'm stronger now. Possibly stronger then you wait, I am stronger then you are!" She laughed as Nightmare just got more and more irritated.

"[Name], on the count of three I want you to run and get as far from here with Sebastian and Ciel. This won't be pretty..."

[Name] just nodded her head and focused on Nightmare.

"What are you going to do? You can't possibly cut the blessed angel ropes, no demon can!"


"You can't be serious...?"



"THREE! RUN!" Nightmare cut the bindings with a swift dagger and then turned and lunged at Avexa. Sword vs. Scythe clashed and no one seemed to get a hit it. Objects were flying and broken to pieces. [Name] went to Sebastian and Ciel and gave them a pleading look.

"We can't leave Night-chan! We have to help-"

"Normally I'm not the one to take orders [Name]-chan but Nightmare told us to get you as far away as possible and that's what were going to do." Ciel stated and grabbed [Name]'s wrist gently but she tugged back and tried to run back but Sebastian grabbed ahold of her and threw her over his shoulder. "I'm sorry Milady...young masters orders."

[Name] struggled to get free when she heard a scream. "NIGHTMA-" Sebastian hushed her and they stopped. She looked at Ciel pleading him to do something when he sighed.

"Sebastian, I order you to go find Nightmare..." He seemed reluctant and Sebastian nodded slowly. "Yes master," and with that, Sebastian was making his way swiftly back to where Nightmare currently resides.

[Name] gave a worried glance at Ciel and he gave her a look of Sympathy. She looked back towards Nightmares area then back at Ciel. It repeated about three times before she ran back to Nightmare. "Lady [Name]!" Ciel yelled out her name but she was already continuing on. "Ah Bloody HELL!" He ran after her in hopes of catching her before she can reach Nightmare. To no avail, he couldn't.

-With Nightmare-

Nightmare swung her scythe to try and knock Avexa down to her feel but Avexa swiftly parried it and went for a kick to Night's abdomen. She jumped back before it could reach her and as soon as she did, Avexa came and hit her from behind. This shocked Nightmare as she went flying into a wall (Trumps wall, jkjk 😂) and indented the rather layered wall. (I'm not good with fight scenes...sorry I'm trying...). Grunting in disbelief, she grabbed her Scythe and runs straight for the little b**** and swings it at her chest. With no time to bring up her sword, she parried with her arms earning a big gash on one of them and a missing arm on the other.

Avexa screamed and held her injured and missing arm in pain and fear.

"You-What are you?! Your no Demon, your a-"

"I'm a what? A b****? An a$$hole? A murderer? Honey I don't care what I am to others, all I care about is your demise because if you f*** with my friends, you'll pay the price."

"I was stronger-no I am stronger. There's no way you could beat me!"


Nightmare stayed silent for a moment before she grinned Sadistically. "I'm going to enjoy feeding you to my hounds...!" She lifted her Scythe and swing it at Avexa nailing her in the stomach and cutting it open. Her intestines fell to the ground as she stared at the oozing blood hungrily. She grabbed her by her throat and tied her neck with her long intestine. She then pulled on it, choking Avexa with her own body parts. She then released when she seen her getting pailer and pailer. Nightmare then proceeded to break both her arms, grinning like a mad man when she heard her scream louder and louder. The blood all over the place, and on Nightmare, the place was a mess.

"Now, now little Avexa. Do you understand what happenes when you try to take someone I care about hostage just to get me to come play your Games?! I hope you learned the hard way not to mess with them...-"

"NIGHTMARE! Stop, please! That's enough!" [Name] yells and envelopes Nightmare in a hug. "Stop right now, that's an order!"

Nightmare stiffened and froze. Sebastian thought now was a good time to reveal himself from the shadows. "Lady [Name]-"

"No! I won't have it! Nightmare...its over. I'm safe now, there's no need to make her suffer any longer." Nightmares eyes softened as [Name] held her close preventing her from doing anything else.

She was about to say something when she heard the most annoying voice ever. "OH BASSY, [NAME]-CHAN! I HAVE COME BACK FOR YOU! ESPECIALLY MY BELOVED [NAME]-CHAN!" "Greeeeeeat..." Nightmare grumbled and turned towards the Red headed Shinigami. To her surprise Zero was with him.

"Hello my Nightshade, haven't seen you in a while." Nightmare just huffed with a small smirk. It turned into an angry frown once Grell glomped [Name]. "Get your hands off of [Name]-chan you filthy crossdressing PERVERT!"

Ciel finally decided to show up panting and weezing profoundly. He looked like he went through hell.

"Yo princess, why are you so out of shape dude?" Nightmares remark only ticked Ciel off.


Everyone was laughing as Ciel and Nightmare got into an argument about the stupidest things. Sebastian came over to [Name]-chan and whispered something in her ear. Her face went red and she stammered, trying to think of a reply when two shoes came into contact with his face. Both Ciel and Nightmares shoes to be exact. "Stay away from [Name]-chan/Lady [Name]!" god. Sorry if it was kinda short and sloppy. I thought of it last minute and it sucks...anyhow I hope you at least enjoy it a little bit but I'm going to bed. Thank you all for the support and I hope you have a goodnight/good morning! Peace!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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