Chapter 14

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New chapter, yay! *Throws confetti* I finally have internet and I was reading some of the other x Readers all of you write to get a better idea of how to perfect my story! I must say I was kinda hooked on some of the books too...I'm such a nerd 😁
Anyhow, I'm going to shut up so you can read... 😐

-Sebastian's POV-
What Nightmare said shocked me. An angel took my beautiful princess? I can't believe I couldn't sense the foul matter. Milady is in trouble and I-we must save her!

"That stupid B*tch. I am sooo going to hurt her when I find her. Nobody, especially an ANGEL takes my (Y/n)-chan!" If it was possible, Nightmare grew more terrifying by the second.

'Why is she worried about Lady (Y/n) so much? I thought she just wanted her soul?'

"Why do you care for Lady (Y/n) so much?" Ceil asked, speaking my thoughts. Nightmare turned to us slowly, making Ceil shake.

"(Y/n)-chan is my best friend...(Y/n)-chan keeps me from going insane...I love her like a daughter...I will kill anybody whom hurts my (Y/n)-chan..." Without another word spoken, she storms out.

-(Y/n)-chan's POV-

I had awoken ten minutes ago, I'm still tied up so I really can't do anything. 'How I hate being useless...'

"Oh but your not useless...your very helpful actually~"

I jumped in surprise at the voice, "Who's there? Show yourself damn you!"

The mysterious voice chuckles, "My, what the foul mouth you have on you. No surprise really, your little 'friend' is Nightmare...speaking of her, your bringing her to me...along with your little screw toys."

I felt an irk mark grow, "I'M NOT A WHORE!"

There was another chuckle, then a sigh. "Sorry, not sorry. I really don't care. My main objective is to rid this world of those despicable demons. Your going to help me~"

I scoff and turn my head to the side, "And what makes you think I would help the likes of you?"

The angel only smirked at my response making me nervous. "What makes you think you have a choice...?"


"That's what I thought sweet cheeks. Nightmare has taken so much from I can return the favor~" I only grunted in response. The female then turns on a light to where I can see her figure. Short, silver hair. Yellowish gold eyes...and pure white wings.


"Your not supposed to gawk at your enemy...are you stupid or something?" I grew anorak mark at her comment. "HEY!"

The angel just chuckled darkly and completely ignored my outburst. My mind recalls what she said..."Nightmare has taken so much from me." What does she mean?

"Ah, so your curious of what your little friend has done hm? Well I shall tell you..."

~Flash Back~
-Mysterious Angel's POV-

It was a rather pretty day out, my little brother was playing outside with my elder sister. Mom and dad were in the house busying themselves with chores while I, was merely watching my siblings from the porch. It was a wonderful day indeed...until I heard my mothers scream. I tensed up and looked at my sister wide-eyed as she quickly got up and ran towards the door.

"Go, run far from here. I'll catch up with you later, take your brother to safety!" Not thinking much into it, I took my brothers hand and ran as fast as I could into the forest. I did as instructed, but it wasn't good enough.

"My my, why does my prey always want to run?" The alluring voice sounded from many directions. I grew still, to scared to move or comfort my crying brother.

"What, does the cat got your tounge? Now, why don't you be a good Angel and DIE!" The demoness swing her Katana towards my torso but luckily I dodged. She merely smirked when she heard a scream. My whole body was stiff...I stared at my brother who layed still...unmoving...bloody. His porcelain skin coated with crimson.

"NO! Aaron...why?!" I turned towards the she-demon with a look of hate. The woman cackled, sheathing her weapon and walking away.

"I like the fire in your eyes kid, the names Nightmare. Find me when your worthy of my attention. I left you a present so you can remember me~" Without another word she vanished into thin air.

I ran over to my brother and cradled him in my arms. I cried and cried, trying to carry him back to our house. After a good while I got exhausted, but I still made it. "Mom? Dad? Alana? Please help!"

But I was only greeted by silence...

"Please..." I trudged inside still carrying my little brothers corpse. I dropped him once I had gotten inside. I wanted to puke my guts out. My Mother was hung from the chandler by her own intestines, she had no eyeballs...
My father was burnt to a crisp, his body black and smokey...
Finally my sister...she was the worst. Her heart was ripped from her chest, her beautiful skin was sliced off completely and blood was still spewing out of her.

I fell to my knees to weak to even stand. "Why...why me...just...why?"

~Flash Back End~

"Now I'm going to exact my revenge...I will do to her exactly what she did to my family...she will suffer."

"Uh not to be rude or anything buuuuut...are you even strong enough?" (Y/n) asked with a blank face. This irked me, "You insoluble brat how dare you doubt me?! I am Avexa, the angel who seeks revenge on my fallen ancestors and family...I-"

"Will get your a** kicked for stealing (Y/n)-chan."

(A:N- Ooooh, I left you all hanging! Yay I updated and yeah you're probably going to kill me but meh. Then you'd get no more chapters...but anyways guess who has internet! This chick! Woo, now I am going to bed. Peace!

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