Chapter 12

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Me: Oh my god! Chapter 12 for the win-
Nightmare: Lil miss Kitten doesn't own Black Butler or it's characters...she only owns her oc's! Though she doesn't own me...she can't! Mwahahaha-
Me: *squirts her with a spray bottle* Bad Nightmare, down! Anyways, as Nights said...I don't own Black Butler! Though if I did...hehehe I shall not reveal my plot!
Crimson: If you actually like her stupid story...
Crimson: That's all up to you, I know I wouldn't!
Me: Gee, thanks Crim...
-Your POV-
"B-but Sebastian... It's too big!" You say terrified. Sebastian just smirks, "Don't worry dear (Y/n), I'll make it fit-"

"WHAT IN THE BLOODY SAM HELL IS GOING ON IN HER-Oh...your just putting a corset on...NEVER MIND I WAS NEVER HERE!" Nightmare yells and slams the door. Five seconds later she slams it back open and kicks Sebastian out. "Men..." Was all she says before finishing what Sebastian started.

You looked at her with a smirk, "What did you think we were doing-?" "I don't have to answer that..." She glares at you as your smirk widens. "Mn hmm~"

-Mini Time Skip-
You were walking out, now in the (F/c) dress that made things a struggle. Nightmare was still irritated by the thing eairlier, you weren't going to let it down.

"So~you still on abo-" "Shut up or I'll kill you..." She interrupted sharply and she jabbed your forehead. With a smirk, she walked off, leaving you to rub your now sore forehead.

"Lady (Y/n), the young master wishes to speak with you." Sebastian bows, appearing out of nowhere, scaring you sh*tless.

"Thank you Sebastian." Came your reply as you went to go see Ciel. Walking to his studies, you heard some commotion.

"I'm going to get Bassy and (Y/n) to love me...Ronald! Are you listening to me?!" Thwack

"Aw, damn it Grell! I was paying attention!" Ronald lies smoothly earning a glare from Grell. "SURE YOU WERE!"

You opened the door to Ciel's study and noticed only Grell and Ronald were in there. "Uh, what are you all doing?"

Grell let out a girly scream and hid behind Ronald, "(Y-Y/n) hey...what are you doing here?"
*Face palm*
"I dunno, maybe because I love here?" Came your smart reply which only made Grell even more nervous.

"Well you see, Grell here-"
"Lady (Y/n), are you-what in the bloody hell are you doing here?! SEBASTIAN!"
Said butler suddenly busts up in the room (I had to) and glares at the two 'intruders'

"What is going on here!?" Sebastian growls, giving the two Shinigami death glare. They both shrink back, "N-Nothing B-Bassy! We were just having a nice conversation with Miss (Y/n), isn't that right?" Grell turns to you with a hopeful look.

You sigh and nod your head, "Yea, we were discussing when we could go hang out next..."

Sebastian and Ciel look at you skeptically but they nod their heads, not wanting to anger you. You turn back to Ciel, "Anyways, you wanted to speak with me?" Ciel, who was completely out of it, looked over at you and blushed.

"U-uh, yea. I mean yes, I did intend to speak with you...however that doesn't need to happen anymore."
You look at him confused, "Why-" "Sup B*tches, and person whom I probably know but don't remember." Nightmare yells and directs the last thing towards Ronald.

You sigh and shake your head at your 'friends' antics. They start to argue and complain to each other until you got tired of it.



Everyone just stares at you with a blank face.




" are so loud today." Nightmare smirks at how she irritated you more. You sigh and smile 'sweetly' as you walk towards her.

"Hey Nightmare..."

'Oh sh*t...' Nightmare thought as she backed away towards Ciel's window. Still coming closer, you pull out something from your pocket.



"Did she just..."
"Yes, yes she did..."

Alrighty then, I finally updated...yay! You should be proud because I was all like, I'm too lazy to update but I thought about how long I've made you wait and felt bad.
Nightmare: She doesn't own Black Butler, god thank you...and she makes me a bit OOC in this story but I don't care...hope you enjoyed!

I would like to thank all of you for reading and voting. 16k reads and 555 votes, seriously guys your the best! Anyways that's all I got for now, I might actually make a Naruto story with my other OC. Idk yet, I haven't decided...anyways peace out!

P.s: Stay cool and be a llama!

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