Chapter 2

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~ Four months later ~

Finally it's the summer break! I can't wait to hang out with friends, go on road trips, go to the beach and BINGE OUT ON IMPRACTICAL JOKERS!

When I get home from school, my parents are sitting round the dining table looking excited. Please dear Lord say that they're not having a baby. I walk in the dining room where they're sitting and put my bag down.

As I go to walk up the stairs to my room, I hear my dad say "Siobhan, can you come in here please." So I turn and walk back into the dining room.

Mum says grinning from ear to ear "Me and your dad need to tell you something." They are having a baby. "We both know you like, no, love Impractical Jokers." My eyes widen as she talks. "So we thought as you've finished your GCSE'S and done well, you deserve a treat."

Dad takes over and says "We might as well just tell her, we've booked tickets to go see Impractical Jokers on the 28th."

As I thank them, I have another pain shoot through my heart. This one's worse. I clench my chest and try to catch my breathe but fail. Closing my eyes, I lay there on the floor.

Let's take it to the hosalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें