Chapter 30

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Jenna arrives with Maddie and Isabella about half an hour later.

They run in and hug Sal then me.

Jenna thanks us then rushes back to her car and drives off.

The girls sit on the sofa and watch 'SpongeBob' We sit with them.

Maddie, the older niece, says "Uncle Sal?"


"Can I have a ham sandwich please?"

"Course you can."

As he goes to stand up, I put a hand on his knee and say

"It's alright, I'll make it."

He looks up and smiles.

"Do you want one Isabella?" I ask.

"Yes please."

When I give them the sandwiches, Sal says

"What do you say girls?"

"Thank you auntie." they say together.

"Aww, auntie." I feel a little tear in my eye.

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