Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV:

I like Alyssa, I mean. She's hot. So she'll be mine, one way or another.

She wouldn't be dating a teacher.. would she?

Nah, that's hella weird. But it seems like she might be.


"Hey, Cameron." I approach Mr.Dallas.

"I ask for students to call me Mr. Dallas." He smiles for a second.

"I'll call you whatever the hell I want." I smile looking down. I then continue. "You would really date a student?"

He turns around quickly to face me.

"What makes you think that? Of course not." Mr. Dallas says.

I can tell by his face that he's up to something bad.

I just laugh.

"I wouldn't think you would. But Alyssa's mine, just to make that clear." I say in a voice just to piss him off.


Alyssa's POV:

I see Taylor exit out of Cameron's classroom.

His "crew" is hanging outside the door waiting for him.

They're about to walk past me when I put my hand on Taylor's chest to make him stop walking.

"What did you say to him?" I say in a serious voice, I'm not joking around with any of this anymore.

"Nothing babe." He does his fake little smile.

"I'm being serious. What did you say to him?"

"Nothing. I just made it clear that you're mine now. Not like he stood a chance." Taylor laughs.

"Well I'm not yours, so." I say.

"Wait." He pauses for a couple seconds. "So you are dating him? I knew it. That's illegal you know?"

"N-No. I'm not dating him." I stutter because I'm so nervous.

Taylor smiles shaking his head then just walks away.

This is gonna be a problem.


I walk into Cameron's classroom after school is over.

"Cameron.. Taylor is starting to find out about us." I say as a tear runs down my face.

"I know but he won't." Cam says trying to reassure me. "I would hug you right now but theres teachers walking by every 2 seconds." He says more quietly.

"I wish I could hug you anytime I want." More tears run down my face.


As I'm laying on the couch that evening, I hear a knock on the door.

I groan as I get up yelling "I got it" so my mom won't have to get up.

I look through the peephole and see someone I don't want to see.

"Taylor?!" I yell slamming the door open.

"How the hell do you know where I live?!" I yell even louder face to face with him.

"Wait wait wait. Please just listen for a second." He says in a very calm voice.

That calms me down, I guess.

"I just wanna talk for a sec. Can I come in?" He waits a second. "Please?"

I just walk back to the couch and sit down as Taylor shuts the door then follows.

"I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry." Taylor says.

He sounds pretty sincere?

"What?" I say. I thought he was a complete jerk.

"I'm sorry." He says sounding even more sincere.

Then he continues.

"I'm sorry for getting up in yours and Cameron's business, if there is any business. But for real, it's not of my business and I know that. If you don't want to date me , that's all right." He smiles. Actually smiles.

I was so surprised to hear these words come out of Taylor's mouth.

"Well um thanks." I pause. "But who else did you tell, Taylor? N-Not that me and Mr Dallas are dating, but I just  don't want a lie going around school."

"Just my friends."

Ugh his stupid stuck up friends.

"Well do you think they would tell people about th-this lie?" I'm trying to not make it obvious but I'm scared more people will find out.

"Maybe. I'm really sorry." He says.

And the worrying just continues.

Authors note:

So what's gon happen??

But thanks for all the reads and hope you guys are enjoying the story!

Mr. Dallas // CDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant